hope they correct the names of the members on the video asap!! #UNGA   @BTS_twt
#持続可能な開発目標 #SDGs の達成を訴えるため、国連総会 #UNGA 開催中の @UN から @BTS_twt が世界に向けてメッセージを発信、日本時間9月20日(月) 21:00よりライブ中継されます。bit.ly/3znTrfy あなたも #BTS と一緒により良い未来のため参加しよう!un.cheerity.com twitter.com/UNGeneva/statu…
When a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council starts an unprovoked and unjustifiable war, a war condemned by the UN General Assembly, its suspension from the Security Council should be automatic. #UNGA #UNGA77
「僕らが可能性、そして希望を信じているなら、たとえ予期せぬことが起こっても、道を見失うことなく、新たな方向を見いだせるだろう。」@BTS_twt 昨年の #UNGA #国連総会 を振り返って。 twitter.com/UN/status/1570…
Jin’s speech at the 76th #UNGA: You can feel the good vibes from just looking at this. There were times during the past two years when I, too, felt bewildered and troubled, but still here we have people who cry out “Let’s live on. Let’s make the best of this moment.” +
Hello,Mr Kim KOREAS PRIDE KIM TAEHYUNG #ThankYouTaehyung #OurPrideBTS #UNGA #BTSatUNGA #YouthToday National Treasure Kim Taehyung
Wenn wir wollen, dass Putins Krieg endet, dann kann es uns nicht egal sein, wie er endet. Deshalb werden wir keinen russischen Diktatfrieden akzeptieren – und auch keine Schein-Referenden. Deshalb muss die #Ukraine Russlands Überfall abwehren können. @UN #UNGA
This is a decisive moment in British history and in the history of freedom. In the face of rising aggression, we will do whatever it takes to deliver for our people and defend our values. #UNGA
KOREAS PRIDE KIM TAEHYUNG #ThankYouTaehyung #OurPrideBTS #UNGA #BTSatUNGA #YouthToday National Treasure Kim Taehyung
If we want Putin‘s war to end, then we cannot be indifferent to how it ends. This is why we will not accept a peace dictated by Russia – and we will not accept any sham referendums either. This is why #Ukraine must be able to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. #UNGA
EN DIRECT | Discours à la tribune de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. #UNGA pscp.tv/w/cFpc8jFtTUtQ…
Face aux inégalités croissantes de notre monde, je suis convaincu que la bonne réponse n’est pas fiscale, mais qu’elle passe par davantage d’éducation, d'accès à la santé, de politiques de prévention des inégalités et de coopération internationale. #UNGA
At #UNGA, India normally speaks to the world. This morning, at India@75 event, the world spoke about India. Thank @UN_PGA,@AminaJMohammed and colleague FM of Armenia, Antigua &Barbuda, Guyana, Jamaica, Tanzania, Maldives, Gambia, Timor-Leste, Cyprus and Yemen for participating.
We're grateful to our global allies for supporting #Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the @UN system at the #UNGA. 2020 has brought new challenges, but our commitment remains the same: we will continue to show the world that #TaiwanCanHelp achieve UN #GlobalGoals.
"Estamos com BTS hoje, que é uma fantástica contribuição" - secretário-geral da ONU #OurPrideBTS #BTSatUNGA #YouthToday #UNGA #GotARMYRightBehindYou