第2次世界大戦終結そして国連創設75周年の今年、世界をより安全なところにする取組みはますます難しくなっています。だからこそ国際協力が以前にも増して必要なのです。#軍縮 や #軍備管理 は、世界の安全保障に不可欠なもの。私達の未来のために共に考え行動しませんか? #UN75 #ShapingOurFuture twitter.com/UN_Disarmament…
Thank you to #Eswatini Prime Minister @AmbroseDumile for your outspoken support at #UN75 for #Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the @UN. With your help, our voice can be heard so that #TaiwanCanHelp more countries around the world. twitter.com/TW_Eswatini/st…
Thank you #Palau President @TommyRemengesau for telling the world that #TaiwanCanHelp in responding to global challenges at #UN75. With your support, we hope to be able to contribute more to the world and work with global partners to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
#Taiwan is grateful to #Paraguay and President @MaritoAbdo for your support at #UN75. With a partner like you, there is always hope for us to have a greater positive impact on the world.
Thank you #MarshallIslands President Kabua for affirming your support for #Taiwan at #UN75. Just as you do, we believe Taiwan’s international participation would allow us to expand our humanitarian contributions to the world & achieve more @UN #SDGs.
We are grateful to #Haiti president @moisejovenel for supporting #Taiwan’s right to international participation at #UN75. We are proud to be your partner in your fight against #COVID & hope to be able to help more countries around the world respond to the pandemic.
Thank you #StVincentAndTheGrenadines Prime Minister @ComradeRalph for standing up for #Taiwan & sharing our sustainable development achievements with the world at #UN75. With partners like you we hope to reach even more #SDGs, making the world a better place.
We are grateful to #SaintLucia Prime Minister @allenmchastanet for supporting #Taiwan’s inclusion in global processes at #UN75. We need to be a part of discussions on climate change & the #COVID response, because we too know that #TaiwanCanHelp the world take on these challenges.
Thank you @MFABelize for your support at #UN75! By participating in the @UN system, #Taiwan can share our successful #COVID19 response with the world & expand our global outreach.
Taiwan appreciates #Nicaragua for speaking up for our inclusion in the @UN system at #UN75. We hope that with greater international participation, #Taiwan can make even more humanitarian contributions around the world.
Belated Happy #UNDay! On Oct. 24, it was 75 years since the #UNCharter entered force. Pop quiz: Who signed the historic document 1st? As #UN75 festivities wind down, it's time for @antonioguterres to accept #TaiwanCanHelp achieve the #SDGs & bring #Taiwan🇹🇼 into the #UN🇺🇳 family. twitter.com/UNESCO/status/…