If our own MPs, elected by us, cannot listen to us on anything, including redeeming us from exploitative taxes, then we must realise that WE ARE ON OUR OWN and work each day to liberate ourselves. No one else will do. Teli kuzikiza. #Twebelelemu #PeoplePower
Since they have refused to receive our notification as commanded by the law, WE SHALL GO AHEAD AND DEMONSTRATE PEACEFULLY AS GUARANTEED BY THE CONSTITUTION. This is our country! #EnoughIsEnough #DownWithImpunity #Twebelelemu #PeoplePower_OurPower
We shall win the fight against #COVIDー19 if we take those simple yet effective steps recommended by experts. Let the fight begin right from families & communities. Stop the stigma but remain alert. Everyone is a potential victim & potential carrier. #CreateAwareness #Twebelelemu