221119 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Main product name: Space flight🛸👩🚀 The alcohol Jin drinks is made by Jin💜
#TodaysJin #BTS #Jin #DrunkenTruth #ARMYsShouldHaveADrinkToo*
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
230118 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] #Suchwita EP.3 with #Taeyang
※ Even if you don’t drink, you’re still welcome at Suchwita
※ Suchwita SYL*❕
#SUGA #MinYoongisYouTuberDebut #TheNervousFanVIBE #SuchwitaTheMustVisitComebackRestaurant twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220929 Big Hit’s Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Two days of ShinV’s* starry night! Thank you so much to all the ARMYs, Soul Trees**, and ‘owls*** who were together with DJ V!💜 Until we meet again, so show me~ I’ll show you~****😚💜 #TodaysV #SuccessfulTeddyBearDJ #KimEanasStarryNight twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221121 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ Opening Ceremony with #JungKook. The genius nightingale rocked the Dreamers performance..😇✨
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221218 Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Sunday with ⭐️RM⭐️ Kim Namjoonie who does singing, live broadcasts, variety shows, vlogs, and has now even taken over the news = paradise😇
#TodaysRM #KBS9PMNews #KimNamjoonPleaseActuallyEstablishACountryNow
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221205 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] #Suchwita EP.1 SUGA with RM
Suga's "first" time getting drunk with a work colleague.
#SUGA #RM #MinYoongisYoutubeDebut #NotSugarSugarRuneItCantBeThisSugarItCantBeThatSugarButSuchwita* #SuchwitaSYL** twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221028 Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] ⭐Universewide Handsome⭐ Astronaut Jin's Live to celebrate the release of 'The Astronaut' 🛸 Thank you ARMYs for being a part of it🚀 Stay tuned for the concert with Coldplay that will take place soon as well!💜 #TodaysJin #BTS #Jin twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220617 Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] 1st Place on Music Bank too thanks to ARMY! ☺️💜 Did you have a good look through it all, even the ending poses?! Even BTS' endings are cute9*
#TakenAtTheMusicBankPhotoZone #AwardBoyScouts #OurARMYsWonAnAward #BTS #BTS_Proof #YetToCome twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
230222 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Can teddy bears also do the dishes nowadays,,,?! SYL* for the first episode of Seojin’s on February 24! 😚❤️
#TodaysV #BTS #V #KimTaehyung #SeojinsSYL* #KeepGoingUntilInternKimGetsPromoted
(T/N: *Stands for 'Show Your Love'.) twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221020 @BTS_twt Big Hit’s Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] ARMYs💜 have a drink with ⭐️Su.per. star.Jjwan⭐️, who has appeared on Nothing Much Prepared🥂
#TodaysJin #BTS #Jin #JjwanHaveADrink
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans
TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
230113 Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Thank you for spending some of your time with Namjoonie🥰 See you next week in EP.8➰️👐🏻
#TodaysRM #BTS #KimNamjoon #DictionaryOfUselessKnowledge #HangjunieNamjoonie
#FutureAceJoonOfTheMCWorld #DictionaRyMC #BlackShirtNamjoonIsAWinner twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220928 Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Mysterious* starry night DJs' debut💜 Can teddy bears be DJs? Even if it's V? Please look forward to our cute DJ V tomorrow as well! See you again ARMYs! 🥰 #TodaysV #OnANightWhereStarsAreThumping #KimEanasStarryNight
Trans cr; Annie twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221216 @BTS_twt Big Hit’s Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] RM Live in Seoul @ Rolling Hall
Thank you to all of the ARMYs who were together with RM for his dream performance!💙💜
#TodaysRM #BTS #RM #Indigo #RMLiveinSeoul #KimNamjoonToreUpRollingHall
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220415 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Of the 24 hours Bangtan has in a day, you know that the 2 hours where we see ARMY are the most valuable, right? 😘 Hoping that how we feel will reach you, ARMY! Get...
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220811 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Kim Eana’s Starry Night with j-hope🌟🌃 The human sunshine that comes out at night.. human flower.. where about is that..? 🌞💐
#TodaysJHope #GuiltyGuyJwehope* #KimEanasStarryNight #jhope #BTS
Trans cr; Ali & Annie @ bts-trans twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220313 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Thank you to ARMYs for being with us for the past three days of this concert, which felt like a miracle💜 Whether it’s the cold winter or warm spring, ARMY and Bangtan...
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
@bts_bighit [ENG]
[#TodaysBangtan] 4th Year Performer at BBMAs! 4 Award Winner at BBMAs! Overflowing coolness.. 🏆🏆🏆🏆 Did you all manage to smoothly catch #BTS_Butter’s first performance too?! 🧈ARMYs ready to run together with BTS 💛💜#AwardWinningTS #OurARMYsReceivedAnAward
230101 @BTS_twt Big Hit’s Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Hope on the street with Times Square on the side~! J-Hope tore up the stage today too!🔥 ARMY, Happy New Year!💜
#TodaysJhope #HeyHobaYoureSoGood #BTS #jhope #RockinEve
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220408 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Ba-dump ba-dump☺️ First show in Las Vegas! BTS will run to the second day while holding on to their precious memories with ARMY🥰 You know this is just the...
Trans cr; Rinne @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221130 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] Jjaehope's performance that burned up the 2022 MAMA AWARDS!🔥 Thanks to the cheers from ARMYs, J-Hope and BTS received these precious awards! Thank you ARMYs! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆💜
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDIT twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220613 @BTS_twt Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] 'Proof' Live Stage showcased in the U.S.!
Everyone, focus right here-⭐️ Please congratulate BTS on their comeback and 9th anniversary!
#ShiningBoyScouts #Happy9YearsBTS #CongratsToARMYsAsWell💜
Trans cr; Rinne @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT W/CRED twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
230209 Big Hit’s Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] How was it meeting sandokki* Hobi on MMTG?! 24 hours in a day is not enough for "J" Hobi! Please look forward to Hobi's activities, as well as the brief chats on 'hope on the street' 😚
#TodaysJhope #jhope #BTS #MMTG #SuperWorldStarJHope twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
221107 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] These are the entertainment skills of someone with 70 million subscribers😉 #TodaysJin #BTS #Jin #Halmyungsoo #INTPSuperstar
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220719 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] 2, 3, Bu! san! We are BTS, ambassadors for the Busan World Expo!💪🏻 #BTS #EXPO2030BUSAN
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…
220715 @BTS_twt Big Hit's Tweet
[#TodaysBangtan] 💌 Thank you to all the ARMYs who watched Check out what's in "Jack In The Box" Vlive!🔥❤️🔥
#TodaysJHope #FirstTimeWithTodaysJjaHope
#jhope #JackInTheBox #jhope_Arson #BTS
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans
© TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/bts_bighit/sta…