Dear #HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, all peoples of #China, #Taiwan, #Myanmar/#Burma, #NorthKorea and everyone around the world who wants to #FightForFreedom: This is my message for you with 💕🙏👇 #HappyNewYear2023
Yes, we did. Join the #fightback for common values in defence of #Uyghurs #HKers #Tibetans and others abused by this unapologetically cruel regime. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/09/3…
🔥🔥⁦@MPIainDS⁩ on #Uyghurs #Tibetans and #HongKong showing that ⁦@GOVUK⁩ have a serious headache on their hands over Clause 68 - Genocide Amendment. “However important trade is to us, it is not worth it for the loss of those lives”
In its 99th year, the #CCP covered up a pandemic, causing untold death and suffering, continued atrocities against #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and other minorities, and exacted an all-out assault on human rights in #HongKong. Nothing to celebrate. twitter.com/sophia_yan/sta…
#HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, friends across #China: as criminal #CCP regime continues its 20th Party Congress, here's my message which I wrote earlier today, in my own hand, following the brutal attack in Manchester and ahead of the launch of my new book, #TheChinaNexus:
State-imposed forced labour in China is only rivalled by North Korea. Yet we continue to do business with the PRC as if nothing’s wrong. Our governments are failing to send a “zero tolerance” signal to the PRC. They must now #standtogether to #endslavery and defend #Tibetans twitter.com/arisefdn/statu…
ロンドンの街頭に「王毅はチベット人とウイグル人の #大量虐殺 を実行した犯罪者であります。」というポスターが貼ってありました。 In the streets of London : a poster showing Chen Quanguo, the criminal who implemented the genocide of #Tibetans and #Uyghurs. #ウイグルジェノサイド
『藏民 Connected』🤗 原來係印度既藏族都舉行左場聲援我地既集會 lih.kg/1489184 ●來源:今井綠 #印度 #India #達蘭薩拉 #Dharamshala #藏族 #Tibetans #聲援香港 #StandWithHongKong #LIHKG
We can’t allow 🇨🇳 a free pass this #G20 - #HongKong, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and #Taiwan deserve better. 👇 #NoGreenwashing #IPACRome spectator.co.uk/article/parlia…
4. Although the treaty claims excluding #Tibetans & #Uyghurs, it is dubious if this exemption can really hold since #Beijing in the past treated China-born foreign nationals as Chinese, such as Swedish citizen #GuiMinhai that was sentenced to 10yo prison. wsj.com/articles/china…