グロッグにつままれるコレクション(パイクはつままない) #TheLegendofVoxMachina #VoxMachina #criticalrolefanart
#LVMSpoilers #LVMCrew #TheLegendofVoxMachina A parting gift I've done warping on S2, somehow I just like 104 a lot and decided to do a fake anime end card... the exaggeration, the shape language...you never truly able to appreciate CH design unless you start to draw it..
推しの幼少期に思いを馳せる #TheLegendofVoxMachina #VoxMachina
マントキャラはこれやって欲しいというラブコメ絵 #TheLegendofVoxMachina #VoxMachina #criticalrolefanart
BGs for #TheLegendofVoxMachina Season2 EP11 have to add unnecessary amount of statues and candles here cause I like bloodborne bit too much.. #LVMCrew
Develop Emon! I was freelancing with @arthurjloftis and Joseph Martinez(ig:jomaro_88) in development, we work together on rough stage and combined them. the final look was done by ArthurL and modeled by Joseph. here are some early rough I did! #TheLegendofVoxMachina #LVMCrew
ヴォクスマキナ6~9話の個人的に好きな所の感想スクショ絵です #TheLegendofVoxMachina #VoxMachina