
『目をつけていたの!』 #FEエンゲージ #FireEmblem
BGs for #TheLegendofVoxMachina Season2 EP11 have to add unnecessary amount of statues and candles here cause I like bloodborne bit too much.. #LVMCrew
part6: Ningxia/Liaoning/Jilin/Hangzhou
part5: Hainan/Hunan/Gansu/Jiangxi
part4: Taiwan/Guangxi/Neimeng/Qinghai
part3: Shandong/Suzhou/Sichuan/Aomen/
part2: Guangzhou/Anhui/Xizang/Guizhou
新年快乐~🧨🧨 happy lunar new year! here is a thread for color keys I did for a short animation project called ‘风物有时节’ in ‘BiliBili 拜年纪’ for lunar new year and these are illustrations‘ locations: Henan/Fujian/Jiangxi/Hubei
#SoundHorizon 笛吹き男とパレード/黄昏の賢者/珊瑚の城/海の魔女
♟|東雲諒子 my piece for @Atlus_West and @gallerynucleus #13SentinelsAegisRim Switch Release Exhibition doing an official piece for my favorite character in my favorite game..is unreal 😭 This will be a limited print April 16th in the gallery, I will be there too around 7pm!
前に考えたpfの設定 : 与えられた未来と終わり|元のpf1物語|を見る能力に恵まれて それと戦おうとした 神に祝福された|呪われた|人々
#LVMSpoilers #LVMCrew #TheLegendofVoxMachina A parting gift I've done warping on S2, somehow I just like 104 a lot and decided to do a fake anime end card... the exaggeration, the shape language...you never truly able to appreciate CH design unless you start to draw it..
Develop Emon! I was freelancing with @arthurjloftis and Joseph Martinez(ig:jomaro_88) in development, we work together on rough stage and combined them. the final look was done by ArthurL and modeled by Joseph. here are some early rough I did! #TheLegendofVoxMachina #LVMCrew
白夜極光リリース半周年おめでとう!ベツレヘムの登場が楽しみです! #白夜極光 #白夜極光ハーフアニバーサリー P.S. RTした方から公式より1名様に素敵なプレゼントが用意されております。ぜひ参加ください!
キミが白い鳥になるのなら ボクは大きなソラになろう #SoundHorizon
歓びの朝も 哀しみの夜も 全ては君の物 ​​​​ #soundhorizon