Lithuania official visit Taiwan. Chinese: *mad at the US*. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Friends with benefits, who cares about justice as long as China wins. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
In Zhengzhou, Henan village bank crisis victims went on a peaceful protest against the bank and Henan government for their unfair treatments. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #Henanbankcrisis #河南银行维权
Russia and China, they're not hiding anymore. So called peaceful nations. Most of the world Military expenditure are because of them #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動 #RussianArmy #ChinaExposed
A picture speaks a thousand words. Weibo post by #Shanghai government claims they are listening to the people's hardships in #COVID pandemic. 13k comments. But Shanghai government blocked all of them. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #China
It seems that they will be sympathetic only when North Korea has an earthquake. #TheGreatTranslationMovement
In Northeast China, #covid guard cursed people who dare to go out, take away their masks and pushed them back home. He records all these proudly in the name of #Covid19 pandemic. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Many Chinese have never been to #Poland, but they are enthusiastically wishing for its destruction #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
It's May already. Comments supporting Putin are still gaining popularity in #China, with over 36K likes. And the video itself of Russia destroying Lyiv? It has 532K likes!! SICKENING!! #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement @gauravcsawant @MareikeOhlberg
Interview of Chinese ambassador to Russia two days ago, by Russian state media: "China and Russia will enhance the cooperation, deepen our mutual benefits, ... and build the community of human destiny." #ChinaIsWithRussia #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement @socbxl
Chinese government now hires young kids as “Covid Moral Police”. #TGTM #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Hu Xijin, a commentator with Chinese official background, has recently repeatedly made military threats against Taiwan, even against Pelosi and the U.S. carrier formation. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Now please enjoy the highest achievements of Chinese contemporary poetry. Source: @RFA_Chinese #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Shenzhen, a lady finally went crazy because of the zero-Covid policy. Apathetic onlookers, the way she ran madly on her bare feet, is another unnoticed tragedy in this China without a way out. #TheGreatTranslationMovement
So they intended to scare Taiwan but accidentally shot their missiles into Japan's territory, yet they act as if they are in the right? Some people seem eager to wage war with every single neighboring country. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Is it true that @EmmanuelMacron and Xi Jinping were on a phone recently discussing deepening cooperation between Europe and China? Well, good luck! @JesLudwig @BBCSteveR #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻譯運動
Compilation of real banners deployed in China during the #COVID lockdowns #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
In China, it's OK to donate supplies to Ukraine, but don't let anyone find out, or you'll lose your social accounts. #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Our deepest condolences for the famous Chinese economist Lang Xianping, whose mother recently passed away thanks to the zero-covid policy that he advocated. Again, we feel sorry for such tragedy. #COVID19 #shanghai #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
“The United States is the world's largest human rights deficit country”, said the #Chinese News @CCTV, when the population in its biggest metropolis is starving. #Shanghai #America #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement