🇯🇵 モルガン・スタンレー/みずほフィナンシャルグループのグリーンウォッシングスキャンダルから1年が経過した現在も、少なくとも7つの日本のESG(環境・社会・ガバナンス)投資ファンドがミャンマーの軍事パートナーシップに投資され続けている。- @MekongWatch #Tatmadaw #Myanmar 🇲🇲 twitter.com/MekongWatch/st…
🚨NEW: Japan's defense minister told reporters on Jan. 28 #Japan is undecided whether it will accept new #Myanmar military #cadets for the new year in April. 1 year since the coup, and JP is still finding it difficult to cut ties with the #Tatmadaw! 😱 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
🚨NEW: In addition to 8 #Tatmadaw cadets training at Japan's National Defense Academy, 2 high-ranking Tatmadaw officers are being trained at Japan Self Defense Forces facilities according to Defense Ministry documents obtained by Human Rights Watch. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Today, Japan's @nhk_news reported on a joint submission by @JusticeMyanmar, @hrw, @ngo_jvc, @HRN_friends, & @MekongWatch to the UN on Myanmar's Y-Complex project, which seriously risks funding the #Tatmadaw. Submission available here: hrw.org/news/2021/02/1…
In 2017, the JP gov't provided ¥2.3 billion to Myanma Radio and Television (MRTV) to "expand" its broadcasting capabilities. MRTV is #Tatmadaw's propaganda machine, announcing death sentences and airing images of tortured protestors. #SaveMyanmar bit.ly/3vwdPcF
#Japan may have suspended new aid to #Myanmar, but it can do more: ❶ Place targeted economic sanctions against #Tatmadaw leaders & military-owned companies, including asset freezes and travel bans ❷ Support a global arms embargo ❸ Suspend defense cooperation #SaveMyanmar
#Japan should take urgent action to pressure the #Tatmadaw to restore the democratically elected government and respect human rights, says @HRN_friends, @hrw, JVC, @JusticeMyanmar, and NANCiS. #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/02/2…
Tokyo's passive diplomacy will only embolden the Tatmadaw, which continues to commit grave abuses with impunity. Read my latest on #Myanmar, #Japan, and the #Tatmadaw's #coup. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar asiatimes.com/2021/03/japan-…