2日連続感染者ゼロ。街中では多くの人がマスクをし、あちこちで体温を測られます。でもそれ以外は通常通り。いつもの店でコーヒーを買い、顔なじみの店員さんとあいさつを交わす。そんな当たり前のことにただただ感謝です。 #台湾 #COVID19 #TaiwanCanHelp
VP Chen shared the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus with @BBCWorld. The country is better managing the #COVID19 pandemic due to its #SARS experience, & is making available expertise, supplies & technologies. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. english.president.gov.tw/News/5991
Thank you #Palau President @TommyRemengesau for telling the world that #TaiwanCanHelp in responding to global challenges at #UN75. With your support, we hope to be able to contribute more to the world and work with global partners to #LeaveNoOneBehind.
How can technological tools strengthen trust & transparency in tackling public health challenges? ⚕ Watch my presentation from Day 2 of the #SummitForDemocracy & find out. 🔽 To give no trust is to get no trust. As democracies we must trust our citizens — and #TaiwanCanHelp 🇹🇼
Media outlets in like- & right-minded countries are urging #Taiwan's meaningful participation in @WHO activities, mechanisms & meetings such as #WHA73. Watch this video & see a selection of international op-eds stating the undeniable truth. #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll.
We sincerely welcome @SecPompeo's statement on behalf of the #US condemning the exclusion of #Taiwan from the World Health Assembly. Combating #COVID19 needs #AllHandsOnDeck & #TaiwanCanHelp. Politics mustn't jeopardize #HealthForAll! state.gov/taiwans-exclus…
Our 27 tons of medical supplies are in #Poland & en route to #Ukraine with the assistance of partner @RARS_GOV_PL. Truly great to see @TaiwaninPoland Rep. Chen handing over the shipment sent in the spirit of #TaiwanCanHelp. The people & government of #Taiwan #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦. twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
#Taiwan is humbled to be named alongside #Germany, #Iceland & #SouthKorea as 1 of 4 countries that "got it right" in combating #Coronavirus. The 12 lessons in @CNN's article serve as a valuable roadmap for managing the #COVID19 pandemic. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll. twitter.com/cnni/status/12…
For #IWD2021, we #ChooseToChallenge @UN_Women to make a correction. Women serve as heads of state or government in only 23 countries, not 22. We👏 need👏 to put👏 politics aside👏 Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 realize #SDG5: Achieve gender equality & empower all women & girls. twitter.com/UN_Women/statu…
Watch @Surangeljr urge #Taiwan's🇹🇼 @UN🇺🇳 system participation at #UNGA. We thank the president for his friendship & recognition of the country's contribution to strengthening #Palau's🇵🇼 #COVID19 response. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
#WHA73 starts May 18. #Taiwan is ready to attend & join @WHO member states in tackling global health challenges. The country is also ready to share the #TaiwanModel & boost #Coronavirus-combating efforts. Learn how #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. ➡️bit.ly/2WYS5GB twitter.com/usmissiongenev…
The Declaration for the #FutureOfTheInternet is signed & sealed. All we need do is deliver. #Taiwan joins fellow democracies & partners in recommitting to a global Internet where openness, competition, privacy & respect for human rights go hand in hand. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 twitter.com/SecBlinken/sta…
We thank US President @realDonaldTrump for signing the TAIPEI Act, which shows strong US support for protecting TW’s relations with diplomatic allies, as well as strengthening our int’l participation. This enhances our global efforts to help combat #COVID19! #TaiwanCanHelp
Thank you for standing with #Taiwan. Your support strengthens our resolve to contribute to the global health network. My administration has never & will never bow to any pressure. #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
🥳 It was a real joy attending @MOHW_Taiwan's virtual forum. 🫂 Sharing the #TaiwanModel & exciting ideas on how digital technology can strengthen #HealthForAll & democracy was immensely rewarding. 🙏 Thank you to all participants. 🇹🇼 Yes! #RepublicOfCitizens & #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan/st…
Glad to see our #healthcare industry continue to innovate. Improvements in medical technology not only keep us in #Taiwan healthy, but help us make greater global contributions. By sharing our innovations, #TaiwanCanHelp build a safer, healthier world.
National days are celebrated with passion & pride the world over. #Taiwan🇹🇼 is no different. But we also like to pause & give thanks for precious friends & the capacity to build better tomorrows. Watch our special video & share in the #TaiwanCanHelp spirit of Oct. 10 festivities.
Take @TIME to read about #Taiwan's🇹🇼 #Coronavirus-combating success. The #TaiwanModel saves lives & warrants sharing with the @UN🇺🇳 family. We urge the @WHO to give the country a #WHA73 voice. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp bolster the global response to the pandemic.time.com/5905129/taiwan…
#Taiwan’s efforts to help the international community fight #COVID19 has been seen around the globe. We will not accept the accusations made by @DrTedros on 4/8. Taiwan will continue to prove that we are vital members of the international community through actions. #TaiwanCanHelp
On #WorldHealthDay, we extend heartfelt & sincere thanks to medical staffers courageously & selflessly serving on the #Coronavirus front line. #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic by sharing its experience, expertise & resources en route to realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll.
In terms of global democratisation, #Taiwan is proof that democratic & economic development go hand in hand. Our #IslandOfResilience is a force for good in the world & there's no doubt #TaiwanCanHelp promote & safeguard freedom, democracy, shared values, and rules-based order.
It’s an honor to grace the pages of 🗽 @nytopinion! 🙏Please take the time to read my op-ed. 🇹🇼#Taiwan is crowdsourcing democracy to create a more responsive government. It’s also 🏥healing rifts & creating consensus along the way. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp nytimes.com/2019/10/15/opi…
I thank @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen & his delegation for their hard work in Geneva & fighting for #Taiwan’s participation in #WHA. They did so with a relentless optimism, & a belief that one day @WHO & the world will understand why #TaiwanCanHelp create a healthier future for all.
Well said, @USUN. The @UN was founded to protect all countries big & small. Shutting #Taiwan out of the world body & its specialized agencies is self-defeating & only weakens the international family of nations. It's high time to #TweetForTaiwan & recognize #TaiwanCanHelp. twitter.com/USUN/status/12…
While the whole world is discussing how to combat climate change at #COP24Katowice, I’m proud to see trams in Poland carry our #TaiwanCanHelp slogan, showing #Taiwan’s determination to building a better tomorrow! instagram.com/p/Bq83UY8AAUN/…