A warm welcome to #Indiana @GovHolcomb & his delegation. #Taiwan is proud to cooperate with our like-minded partners to expand trade, boost investment & build more sustainable supply chains in semiconductors & other key sectors.
Delighted to welcome #StVincentAndTheGrenadines PM @ComradeRalph Gonsalves back to #Taiwan. Your visit as the leader of a diplomatic ally comes at a pivotal time, reflecting your strong support for our country. We are deeply grateful for your longstanding friendship.
Today #Taiwan reported no new local COVID-19 cases. I want to thank our medical personnel & all citizens for their hard work. I also want to emphasize that this does not mean the virus is gone, so please stay alert & continue following the latest prevention guidelines.
Every year #Taiwan celebrates LGBT #Pride with an incredible parade. Though this year’s event is being held online due to the pandemic, today is an excellent opportunity to celebrate love in all its forms & reflect on how far we’ve come in building a more inclusive society.
Kinda reminded us why we started the great translation movement in the first place. The misogynistic comments by the Chinese netizen is really disgusting. #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #NancyPelosi #Taiwan #RepublicOfChina #ChinaTaiwanCrisis
Wishing our friends around the world well this #InternationalMigrantsDay. People from so many different backgrounds have come to #Taiwan, helping us become a more diverse, stronger society. Thank you for making Taiwan home & sharing your unique cultures with us.
Facing a changing security landscape, #Taiwan is restructuring our military, extending conscription & upgrading training. On the frontlines of democracy's defense, we are actively taking steps to uphold our nation's sovereignty, values & interest in regional peace & stability.
We've signed an agreement with #Somaliland to establish good relations. A #Taiwan Representative Office will be set up in this independent country on the Horn of #Africa. We're thousands of miles apart, but share a deep-seated love of freedom & democracy. JW
An exciting new project for lucky foreign visitors to help promote #HeartOfAsia! I invite you to visit #Taiwan & experience our people’s hospitality. You may be exclusively selected as special guests in a one-off overnight stay at the Presidential Office Building. Stay tuned!
Having lived for over a century, these elders have witnessed generational change in #Taiwan. It was my honour to listen to their stories & spend time with them, as the elderly are cherished in our society & it is our responsibility to care for them as best we can.
Thank you to President Giammattei of #Guatemala for the warm welcome & for this award which symbolises the firm friendship between #Taiwan & #CentralAmerica. @DrGiammattei said it best when he said that friendship is about sticking together, through the good times & the bad.
It was a pleasure to talk with @USAmbUN Kelly Craft earlier today. #Taiwan appreciates your staunch support for our international participation, & your recognition of the many ways the #TaiwanModel can help the world. Hope to see you here soon!
The inclusion of Taiwan in the #WHA is a #HumanRights issue. It’s not a bargaining chip that can be used by any country to pressure us to give up our sovereignty. The goal of #HealthForAll can only be achieved if #Taiwan is part of the @WHO. #TaiwanCanHelp.
Thank you all for supporting #Taiwan & joining our 🇹🇼 National Day celebrations. I’ll deliver my National Day Address at 10:25 (Taipei time). Watch it here: twitter.com/iingwen/status…
ECショップの商品を追加しました 台湾祭余剰食材分、多くの皆様にご購入頂き感謝申し上げます。 皆様のご要望より『お一人様セット』『台湾ビールセット』を追加しました! #台湾祭 #台湾 #小籠包 #パイナップルケーキ #ルーロー飯 #台湾料理 #台湾ビール #Taiwan shopping.taiwanfesta.com
Happy New Year to all my friends on @Twitter! Thank you for standing with us & making #Taiwan’s story a part of your life. I look forward to writing new stories together, & I know that the bonds we developed in 2020 will make 2021 a year to remember for all the right reasons.
Wishing @Vystrcil_Milos & the #Czech delegation a pleasant trip home. During your visit we achieved so much & brought the people of #Taiwan & #Czechia even closer together. We hope to work more closely with you in the future & build a better world together.
Thank you to all the foreign diplomats who joined us to celebrate our 🇹🇼 National Day. Your continued support for #Taiwan is deeply appreciated by our people & government.
Proud to announce that we will be opening The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania. We look forward to working together even more closely as like-minded partners & friends. Thank you to everyone in #Taiwan & #Lithuania who made this possible.
2. From now on, #Hongkong enters a new era of reign of terror, just like #Taiwan’s White Terror period in history, with arbitrary prosecutions, black jails, secret trials, forced confessions, media clampdowns and political censorship.
A pleasure to meet with the Canadian delegation led by @JohnMcKayLib & see a consensus on bolstering #Taiwan-#Canada ties. The words of Mr. McKay, “Taiwan's issues are Canada's issues” & vice versa, remind us to continue deepening our partnership to protect our shared values.
Thank you @HudsonInstitute & @amprog for the opportunity to share my perspective on #HK, cross-strait relations & our strong ties with the #US. #Taiwan stands on the frontline of democracy & supports closer ties between like-minded countries. More: bit.ly/3gRjp2s
Today is #Taiwan’s Freedom of Speech Day. We remember those who sacrificed so much to bring us the democracy we enjoy today. And we honour their memories by carrying on their work to protect our freedom of speech, the foundation of Taiwan’s dynamic society.
The @CPBL is #Taiwan’s professional baseball league, & I hope you’ll help us cheer them on no matter where you are! Quick Guide to 2020 CPBL Season here: cpblstats.com/quick-guide-20… #StayHome and watch #CPBL
Attending our new F-16 maintenance facility’s inauguration ceremony today gave me even more confidence in #Taiwan’s ability to maintain regional peace & stability. Thank you to everyone involved in enhancing our national defense.