Minister Wu’s banquet for @market_a’s #MiseTaiwan delegation was filled with laughter, joy & a sense of solidarity. We're grateful for the strong #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Czechia🇨🇿 partnership, a friendship defined & nurtured by our shared belief in freedom, democracy & prosperity for all.
Delighted to welcome Speaker Markéta Pekarová Adamová & her #MiseTaiwan delegation. Like @Vystrcil_Milos before her, Speaker @market_a faces great pressure by making this visit. Her determination is a testament to #Taiwan & #Czechia’s firm commitment to democracy & freedom.
The people of #Taiwan have proven to the world that we do not give in to threats. We will continue to stand with our diplomatic allies and like-minded global partners as we work toward a better future for all.
I am privileged to host the dinner welcoming @market_a & the record-breaking #Czechia delegation to #Taiwan. We are steady friends bound by shared values & fear no intimidation. Can hardly wait for the upcoming schedule to strengthen our camaraderie! JW 🇹🇼🤝🇨🇿 #MiseTaiwan
Wheels down for #MiseTaiwan—the largest ever #Czechia🇨🇿 delegation to #Taiwan🇹🇼! Alongside @sikunyou, Minister Wu extended his best wishes to Speaker @market_a & other guests for their jam-packed 5-day visit. We’re excited for all the impactful exchanges set to expand our ties.
A pleasure to welcome Ambassador @robertcobrien & the @globaltaiwan Institute delegation. The honour I conferred on Ambassador O’Brien today is a symbol of our gratitude for his many contributions to #Taiwan-#US relations & our hope for even broader cooperation going forward.
The #PRC threatens war against #Taiwan & others, but wants to propose a peace plan to #Russia, who initiated the war against #Ukraine. We ain’t no idiots. Want peace? Both autocrats should immediately stop their threats, aggression & expansionism. JW…
Delighted to meet with the UK @HouseofCommons delegation led by @taiwanappg Co-Chair @Bob4Beckenham. We are grateful for the many MPs who have voiced strong support for enhancing #Taiwan-#UK relations, and we look forward to even more engagement between our countries.
I am heartened to see the recent outpouring of support for #Taiwan from our diplomatic allies. Beyond just official relations, they are our friends and neighbours, and we will continue to work together for peace and prosperity.
Proud to see #Taiwan rated by @CIVICUSMonitor as having an open civic space for the 4th year in a row. We will continue to safeguard the freedoms of association, peaceful assembly & expression that make Taiwan a vibrant & resilient democracy.
A pleasure to welcome @SaintLuciaExt Minister Alva Baptiste back to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We are grateful to #SaintLucia🇱🇨 for supporting Taiwan on the international stage, & look forward to fostering greater well-being & prosperity through our already fruitful cooperation.
Delighted to host former Kosovo PM @Avdullah Hoti & other parliamentarians from #Kosovo, #NorthMacedonia & #Romania. Your visit opens the door to greater cooperation between #Taiwan & the #Balkans, as we work together to bolster global democratic resilience.
【WBC】台湾敗退とかマジでありえん チアだけみたら台湾間違いなく優勝 台湾チアがドリームチームを組んでるらしく、やたら可愛いし台湾野球の雰囲気が最高だよな。 東京に来るのを楽しみにしてたのに・・・ #WBC #台湾チア #台灣 #Taiwan
This #Taiwan Gender Equality Week, in parallel with @UN_Women’s #CSW67, I want to pay tribute to women & girls everywhere, who are working to make the world a better place. Through their individual & collective efforts, they are an inspiration to us all.
After 10 years, the first round of the World Baseball Classic #WBC2023 returns to #Taiwan, and I’m certain that spirits are running high! Baseball fans, are you ready? Let’s root for team #Taiwan to defend our home turf!
After 10 years, the first round of the World Baseball Classic #WBC2023 returns to #Taiwan, and I’m certain that spirits are running high! Baseball fans, are you ready? Let’s root for team #Taiwan to defend our home turf!
It was a pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini of #Eswatini, who is leading his first delegation to #Taiwan. We are grateful for the prime minister & Eswatini’s steadfast support for Taiwan, & will continue to step up our cooperation & further strengthen our ties.
Proud to see #Taiwan ranked 4th freest in world, 2nd in Asia, by the Index of Economic Freedom. Building on our best performance to date, we aim to create an even freer trade environment, foster more economic cooperation, & strengthen supply-chain resilience.
While #Taiwan leads in gender equality in Asia, much work remains to be done. This Taiwan Gender Equality Week, in parallel with @UN_Women’s #CSW67, our focus is on science & technology, & paving the way for more women & girls in STEM.
Enjoyed meeting with Executive Director of the Canadian Trade Office @JimSNickel & discussing our flourishing #Taiwan-#Canada partnership. With negotiations set to begin on a new bilateral investment agreement, we’re looking forward to even closer & broader cooperation.
Delighted to welcome @Heritage founder Edwin Feulner back to #Taiwan, especially on the foundation's 50th anniversary. We are grateful to the foundation for its support of #Taiwan-#US relations, & we look forward to broadening economic cooperation between our countries.
Delighted to welcome @Heritage founder Edwin Feulner back to #Taiwan, especially on the foundation's 50th anniversary. We are grateful to the foundation for its support of #Taiwan-#US relations, & we look forward to broadening economic cooperation between our countries.
The war in Ukraine has stripped many people of basic necessities, even something as simple as light. In a show of solidarity, we joined the European Economic & Trade Office in observing two hours of darkness at the Presidential Office. #Taiwan & its people #StandWithUkraine.
As a country keenly aware how precious democracy is, #Taiwan🇹🇼 is proud to join the #EU🇪🇺 & like-minded partners in continuing to #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦.…
Is this what some in the US mean by "#Ukraine today, #Taiwan tomorrow"? For Washington, the US interests first, and only! It doesn't care who will be destroyed.…