「Suchmos ASIA TOUR 2020」 開催決定! 2020年1月から台北・上海・北京・深圳のアジア4都市にて、ワンマンライブを開催します! リベンジマッチ、そして第2章の幕開けです。 チケット発売日など、詳しくは↓ suchmos.com/news/ #scmASIA #Suchmos #Taipei #Shanghai #Beijing #Shenzhen
11/16(土)開催 「第十回 金音創作獎 -Golden Indie Music Awards-」出演決定! 台湾で開催されるミュージックアワードにゲスト出演します。 当日の模様はイベント公式YouTubeチャンネルとFacebookチャンネルにて生配信予定! 詳しくは↓ suchmos.com/news/ #Suchmos #scmASIA #Taipei #GIMA
到達台灣了🇹🇼 明天就是Golden Indie Music Award! 典禮有直播請大家要看喔!! 詳情請見Suchmos官網 詳しくは↓ suchmos.com/news/ #Suchmos #scmASIA #Taipei #GIMA
早安台北,請多指教! suchmos.com/news/ #Suchmos #scmASIA #Taipei #GIMA
金音創作獎 -Golden Indie Music Awardsの生配信は本日台湾時間19時から22時半の予定で、Suchomsの出演は台湾時間22時を予定しています。お楽しみに! 金音獎的直播是預計晚上七點到晚上十點半。Suchmos預計在晚上十點演出。敬請期待! suchmos.com/news/ #Suchmos #scmASIA #Taipei #GIMA
謝謝金音創作獎 -Golden Indie Music Awards。2020年1月19日在LEGACY TAIPEI再見!! suchmos.com/news/ #Suchmos #scmASIA #Taipei #GIMA
我們到台北了! ASIA TOUR 2020明天即將開始。 首日台北的大家請多多指教! #scmASIA #Suchmos #Taipei #LegacyTaipei
ASIA TOUR 2020 首站台北Legacy ! 多多指教今晚見‼︎ #scmASIA #Suchmos #Taipei #LegacyTaipei
今天謝謝大家。 終於能在台北舉辦專場真的非常開心。 我們一定會再來和大家一起玩的! 今後也請大家多多支持Suchmos。 #scmASIA #Suchmos #Taipei #LegacyTaipei Photo by Shohei Maekawa
I visited a pharmacy in #Taipei to learn how they’re working to prevent the spread of #COVID19 & ensure people have access to a steady supply of face masks. Truly touched by their dedication to keeping #Taiwan safe & healthy.
.@TchajC & #CzechRepublic's #Taipei office are joining forces to combat #Coronavirus! The partnership will bolster efforts to manage the #COVID19 pandemic through R&D of rapid testing kits, medicines & vaccines. Both sides will also share key materials & best practices.
A charter flight organized by @EOJinIndia landed in #Tokyo with 12 #Taiwan nationals on board before a homeward flight to #Taipei. Thanks @JapanGov & the #India government for making it happen. #COVID19 may shut borders, but like-minded countries will continue working together.
#香港 #銅鑼灣書店 店長 #林榮基 先生的書店,歷盡艱辛,今天在 #臺北 正式開幕,特別獻上祝福。 #臺灣 最引以為傲的就是 #民主 #自由,敬請大家用行動支持書店,支持臺北的銅鑼灣書店,也是對臺灣 #出版自由 的支持! #HK #Taipei #Taiwan 照片出自銅鑼灣書店-台灣重啟
Taiwan's #Tourism industry is in the winners' circle! The latest survey by respected zine @GTmag ranks #Taipei as the No. 1 leisure destination in #Asia for the 3rd straight year, #Taiwan No. 2 for international adventure travel & @taoyuanairport No. 4 for layovers. Read more🔽 twitter.com/GTmag/status/1…
Glad to see my old friend @ZdenekHrib in #Taipei again. To the people of #Taiwan, you're a #Pirate & swashbuckling hero. JW #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
I'm touched by your earlier words, @ZdenekHrib. A #Pirate hero from the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 is very welcome to become a citizen of #Taipei. We're thrilled, & would love to see you more often in #Taiwan.🇹🇼 JW #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
Minister Wu was honored to host @State_E @KeithJKrach & the delegation at #Taipei Guest House. The pair discussed #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 overlapping interests & future cooperation. We'll continue strengthening our global partnership founded on shared values & mutual trust.
Great result for #Taiwan🇹🇼 & combating #ClimateChange! @Mayors4Climate corrected its #Kaohsiung, #NewTaipei, #Taichung, #Tainan, #Taipei & #Taoyuan website country designation. Our thanks to staff & global partners for delivering the win-win. Learn more➡️ bit.ly/2G56bC2
Minister Wu hosted our National Day banquet at historic #Taipei Guest House. @iingwen, @ChingteLai & other special guests savored sumptuous #Taiwan🇹🇼 cuisine & par excellence performances. It's a privilege to share the best of the country with good friends. We're #ProudOfTaiwan!
#Taiwan🇹🇼 #LGBT🌈 Pride is underway in #Taipei. We're chuffed by the top turnout in celebration of human rights, as well as the country's heady air of freedom & democracy. A big pat on the back to Taiwan diplomatic corps participants for joining the jamboree of joy with gusto!
#TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼 is all about doing good. Case in point: The liver transplant procedure performed by Dr. Liu & his team at #Taipei Veterans General Hospital that saved the life of a 9-month-old girl from #Vietnam. Watch mother Le Van Dai Trang share her experiences in our video.
#Taiwan's Presidential Office building is open to the public! I really enjoyed dropping in on our visitors & hope they all have a great New Year. Next time you’re in #Taipei, book a tour at president.gov.tw/EN/Page/126. You never know who you’ll run into.
Minister Wu greeted @SenChrisDodd & former @StateDept Deputy Secretaries Richard Armitage & James Steinberg upon arrival in #Taipei. The presence of the statesmen & friends of #Taiwan🇹🇼 is a strong vote of #US🇺🇸 confidence in the country & its freedom- & democracy-loving people.
A privilege to speak at the Medical Women's International Association @MedWIA congress in #Taipei & thank medical professionals around the world for protecting our health throughout this pandemic. We are grateful for all your hard work & sacrifices.
Minister Wu accompanied @iingwen as she awarded @SpeakerPelosi a state honor for supporting our country. He then joined the president & congressional delegation in a celebration of freedom & democracy at #Taipei Guest House. #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸 ties are rock solid & built to last!