@HillelNeuer Yesterday the family of #MajidKazemi was told he be executed soon & today they allowed the family to visit him. We know what means to meet a prisoner sentenced to death in solitary confinement in the Islamic Republic. #StopExecutionsInIran
There are disturbing reports that #HassanFirouzi is in a coma from the torture inflicted on him since his voice message from prison got out and his family have been secretly taken to see him. Murder in custody is silent in #Iran, numbers growing by the day #StopExecutionsInIran
تو پرونده «خانه اصفهان» سه معترض به اعدام محکوم شدن، از الان باید صداشون باشیم. #OpIran #StopExecutionsInIran
30-year-old Isfahan protester #MajidKazemi whose torture-tainted confessions were also aired, has been sentenced to death on charges of moharebeh (enmity against god) and 10 years imprisonment. His brother Hossein wasn't mentioned in the judgement. #StopExecutionsInIran
イランの人々と共に立ちましょう。 #StopExecutionsInIran #MahsaAmini #WomanLifeFreedom #FreeIran
#FarzadTahazadeh & #FarhadTahazadeh, two Kurdish brothers are at imminent risk of execution! According to sources, the regime schedule to carry out their executions tomorrow morning. #StopExecutionsInIran #OpIran
#FarhadTahaZadeh and #FarzadTahaZadeh, two Kurdish brothers from Oshnaviyeh have been sentenced to death by the Islamic Regime of Iran without a valid trial session. Their execution is scheduled to be carried out tomorrow morning. Be their voice. #StopExecutionsInIran
#FarzadTahazadeh & #FarhadTahazadeh, two Kurdish brothers are at imminent risk of execution! According to sources, the regime schedule to carry out their executions tomorrow morning. #StopExecutionsInIran
Mansour Dehmordeh, 22, who has a disabled arm and leg, has been sentenced to death in Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan Province, in connection with #IranProtests. His nose & teeth were broken in detention, reports Haalvsh Baluchestan news. #StopExecutionsInIran
#MohammadGhobadlu is only 23 years old. He was sentenced to death in a court presided over by Salavati, and a few weeks later this sentence was affirmed in the Islamic Republic’s “Supreme Court.”Mohammad's life is seriously in danger. Please be his voice #StopExecutionsInIran -
According to #MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo 's family, they both are going to be executed tomorrow morning (Less than 5 hours). #StopExecutionsInIran
The family of #MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo have informed about their very near executions. They will be executed tomorrow morning (In less than 5 hours). Please do something. #StopExecutionsInIran
ماشین اعدام جمهوری اسلامی را متوقف کنید! #نه_به_اعدام #StopExecutionsInIran
We have be in a stronger solidarity! #StopExecutionsInIran #IranRevolution
The people of Iran ask all the civilized people of the world to ask their governments to cut ties with the Iranian regime because of daily executions. #MohsenShekari #StopExecutionOfIranianProtesters #StopExecutionsInIran