برای عزیزان ایران، صداهای خاموش و پسران و دختران بیصدا، برای همه زندانیان به ناحق #محمد_قبادلو #محمد_بروغنی #محمد_حسینی #محمدمهدی_کرمی #MohammadGhobadloo #MohammadMehdiKarami #MohammadHosseini #MohammadBroghani
The family of #MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo have informed about their very near executions. They will be executed tomorrow morning (In less than 5 hours). Please do something. #StopExecutionsInIran
#MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo 's family have informed us that the authorities are going to execute them tomorrow morning. We need the west to stop being passive and take action NOW. We have few hours till morning. #MahsaAmini
According to #MohammadBroghani and #MohammadGhobadloo 's family, they both are going to be executed tomorrow morning (Less than 5 hours). #StopExecutionsInIran