every human is A HUMAN. it’s 2021 educate yourself #StopAsianHate #AsiansAreHuman anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co
We stand together. #StopAsianHate
asian hate is too normalized that people doing it don't even think they're wrong and it needs to STOP. asian or non-asian, please take some time to read this & learn about what’s happening right now: #StopAsianHate #RacismIsNotComedy anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co
Educate yourself about racism and increasing hate crimes against asians and spread awareness. Everyone, please take care. stopasianhate.carrd.co anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co #StopAsianHate
The violence against Asians is absolutely disheartening to see. Please take the time to find out how you can help by clicking on the link below. anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co #StopAsianHate #AsiansAreHuman
below are some carrds with resources & information on the anti-asian hate crimes that’ll allow you to donate, educate & share with others. please have a look through. #StopAsianHate 🔗 stopasianhate.carrd.co
#StopAsianHate がトレンドに入っている。地下鉄で顔を切りつけられたり、路上で突き飛ばされたり、日本の寺が燃やされたり、コロナを持ち込んだと唾を吐きかけられたり、トランプによる中国ウイルスという悪質な煽りも含め、アジア系へのヘイトクライム急増という文脈がある。twitter.com/hirokim21/stat…
The racism and violence against the Asian community is sickening. Every day, another heartbreaking story about people traumatized, hurt or killed. The news from Georgia today makes me sick to my stomach. Pure evil. #StopAsianHate
Asians. Your hurt and rage and perspective are worth expressing. Every single word. SAY it. SEND it. SCREAM it. FUCK the scapegoating. FUCK misogyny and white supremacy. FUCK the endangerment of our most vulnerable. And fuck you if you think we're going to take it. #StopAsianHate
Sending love to my #AAPI brothers and sisters tonight. We stand together. 💔❤️ #StopAsianHate
As a company based in Japan, the recent rise in anti-Asian hate has truly hit home for our employees. We always appreciate support from our fans and we now ask for your support to #StopAsianHate and fight the rise in hate crimes committed against people of Asian descent.
米国でまたアジア系へのヘイトクライム(憎悪犯罪)が相次いでいることを受け、ロサンゼルスのLittle Tokyoで抗議集会。予想をはるかに超える1000人以上が集まった。 最近は暴力性の強い凄惨な事件が多く、お年寄りがいきなり突き飛ばされて死亡したケースもある。 #StopAsianHate
Looking for a place to donate and support? Here’s how you can make a difference. @GoldHouseCo and @gofundme have partnered to create the AAPI Community Fund. #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate gofundme.com/AAPI
Asian Americans are being harassed and violently attacked every single day. Asian American neighborhoods and businesses are being robbed and vandalized with increasing frequency. It’s heartbreaking. Enough is enough. #StopAsianHate #StopAAPIHate
Please help uplift, empower, and protect the vulnerable against rising anti-Asian attacks by donating to the Support the AAPI Community Fund at gofundme.com/AAPI. Proceeds are distributed to a vetted group of community, neighborhood, and victim organizations. #StopAsianHate
Calling all allies! There has been a surge in violence against Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders (AAPI) across the U.S. @GoldHouseCo has partnered with @gofundme to address urgent issues as well as broader, systemic problems. gofundme.com/AAPI #StopAsianHate
retweet and reply with the tag to spread awareness! #StopAsianHate #AsiansAreHuman #NOtoracistMedia #NOSilence
It’s important that we not let the violence against Asian & Pacific Islander communities fade from the headlines. All of us at Google continue to stand with and support you. Together we can work to #StopAsianHate.
From May 2020 , but I was recently made aware of it. There has always been racism against Asians since we first set foot on US soil, and in 2021, this racism is being manifested by kids kicking a helpless, elderly Asian woman in the head #StopAsianHate