"You always rebel for ideas, a collective future, something that is much bigger than yourself. It will push you to become a better person, to live a life with purpose. Rebel for love. The love for life, for your community, for your friends." #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
A Lunar New Year good news: Excited that my book “Freedom” is shortlisted in "the Best Political Book by a Non-Parliamentarian" of Parliamentary Book Awards📚 I hope this book reminds us how much we need to do to protect freedom. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/PublishersAsso…
今日雨の中 #香港デモ4周年 のデモ行進に参加していただいてありがとうございます。 国家安全法の取り締まりが強まっているでも多くの方に参加していただいて香港人の独裁政権に抗う意思は十分に示していると思います。 日本の皆さんにもぜひ応援を! 写真:@hanayanomorry #StandwithHongKong
To all freedom lovers around the world: It is never too late to stand up for Hongkongers and all those who have been suffering from oppression. #FridaysForFreedom #StandwithHongKong
Thank you so much for your support to Hong Kong democratic movement. Looking forward to future collaboration on defending our democratic values and freedom. #StandwithHongKong @petras_petras @bueti twitter.com/petras_petras/…