That's my faith. I am not religious -- fighting for democracy and human rights is my vocation and dedication. Hope the world can work together to address the threats of CCP and other authoritarian regimes. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/CityAM/status/…
We need to safeguard our shared democratic values together. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/samuelmchu/sta…
Mr. David Perry, QC quitted from the case of prosecuting Jimmy Lai, the pro-democracy media mogul. DOJ of HK says "growing pressure and criticism from the UK community" ensued since he took the duty. It's indeed good news. Lesson learned for everyone. #StandwithHongKong
To all freedom lovers around the world: It is never too late to stand up for Hongkongers and all those who have been suffering from oppression. #FridaysForFreedom #StandwithHongKong
Wish everyone a great year of Ox and good health! Hope that suppressed activists in China, Xinjiang and Hong Kong can be free soon. The true happiness comes from a peaceful mind and the pursuit of justice. Democracy prevails! #StandwithHongKong
The EU must now take concrete action to sanction Hong Kong officials. Great concern without action is just empty words. The EU must do what is needed to defend democracy, or risk being a hypocritical promoter of European values. #EU must #StandwithHongKong #47NSL twitter.com/EUinHKandMO/st…
The political reform imposed by Beijing to Hong Kong is in effect degrading the election to SELECTION. Beijing vets out all the pro-Democracy candidates and most of the seats in Legco are reserved for them without election. The system has lost all credibility. #StandwithHongKong
This documentary shows you the democratic protests in Hong Kong and exiled activists' lives in the UK. We are all fighting at our positions and hoping to bring justice to Hong Kong. #StandwithHongKong youtu.be/h4yFRO-m0y0 via @YouTube
I was asked what's my messages to my friends in the EU. My messages are clear and simple: don't take freedom for granted, and act now. #StandwithHongKong
Another barbaric action from CCP. I am standing shoulder to shoulder with the parliamentarians and civil society actors that try to hold CCP accountable. Indeed, being targeted by the villian is a badge of honor. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
In tandem with the latest BNO welcome package, the UK government has been demonstrating its commitment to the joint declaration's obligation. I will continuously speak up for Hong Kong and am always available for advice to the government and civil society. #StandwithHongKong🏴 twitter.com/DominicRaab/st…
Honoured to meet with the Acting High Commissioner for Canada in the UK @stefaniebeck19 at the #Canadahouse. The civil society from Hong Kong continues to engage with the world and speak up for our democratic struggles. We never give up. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/stefaniebeck19…
An appalling fact: After being sentenced in total for 14 months in two cases, there are still one National Security Law charge and four criminal charges pending on Jimmy Lai. The judicial system is weaponized to persecute democratic activists in Hong Kong. #StandwithHongKong
CCP mouthpiece promoted misinformation in a UK program and being busted. He was enraged when he realized his smearing attack did not work. Civility vs barbarity — that’s the difference between democracy and autocracy. Video: BBC Newsnight #StandwithHongKong
I was not embarrassed — the CCP just cant read human emotions as an inhumane regime. Mr. Gao was embarrassing and shaming himself by showing poor manners, disregarding the discussion topic and spreading misinformation about the court case. It's just hilarious. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/globaltimesnew…
With David Kramer, at 1045am EDT, I am sharing my first-hand experience of being politically persecuted in Hong Kong and the future of the democratic movement at the Sedana Forum. Stay tuned and register at thesedonaforum.org #StandwithHongKong
Had a great interview with @GenevaSummit, which detailed my growing-up experience and life as a prominent activist. Stay tuned for my appearance at the Geneva Summit. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/GenevaSummit/s…
G7 should work together and hold China accountable. It's nothing to do with racism -- it's to protect individuals in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Stop using "anti-racism" as protection to dictators. Genocide deniers are not our allies. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/SecBlinken/sta…
🏴While I am in the UK, I continue to fight for democracy. #StandwithHongKong Nathan Law: Why I fled Hong Kong | Comment youtu.be/LCgWOQz3YE0 via @YouTube
It’s one thing not to know, and it’s another to refuse to act. Please tweet them at this handle @KingsCollegeLon and let them know that her honour is a daily insult to Hong Kong people, many of whom are suffering. Time for Kings to #StandwithHongKong
Winston has been a force of good in helping Hong Kong people in the UK and voicing support to the democratic movement. Really thankful for his commitment to helping the people in need. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/prcmarshall/st…
We’ve always been saying that countering CCP’s global aggression is not racist. They love to conflate the concepts of “country,” “regime,” and “people” to justify their suppression and avoid criticism. Don't be fooled by them. #StandwithHongKong
It's our pleasure to share our thoughts on the integration of HKers with Deputy Mayor @debs_wb and her team. We are here to work together and to help all HKers, especially those in need. Looking forward to our further collaborations. @MrWinMarshall #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/debs_wb/status…
Thank you @BritishVogue for featuring my story as #MrVogue in the #Septemberissue. We need to call for larger accountabilities to authoritarian governments and protect democratic values as global democracy dwindles. Hope that my story can spark more action. #StandwithHongKong