5/ #Hongkongers are not merely the people living in #HK or speaking Cantonese, but also those who strive to safeguard liberal values and democracy that we all cherish and #StandwithHK under authoritarian oppression, no matter who you are and where you live.
#StandwithHK twitter.com/chowtingagnes/…
#StandwithHK 今作っている日本に住むとある香港人のドキュメンタリー。「自由は空気みたい。だから失うまでは気づかない」その言葉がいつも頭から離れない。
Documentary about HongKonger living in Japan which I've been making since January. Coming soon.
[Letter to @DominicRaab: UK govt should sanction HK officials responsible for human rights violation]
Under #NSL, it's important that we adopt swift counter measures. Glad that 19 Parliamentarians supported this letter and urged the UK government to act.
I said it, for those who are no longer free to say it.
#HongKong #StandwithHK
My great privilege to speak with #BLM’s Patrisse Cullors (@OsopePatrisse) tomorrow at @PENamerica book event. May the fearlessness continues to inspire thousands, waking people up to themselves and calling for better changes! #StandwithHK
Joshua Wong has done nothing wrong and must be released without charge.
This is naked political persecution. And the world sees it for what it is. #StandwithHK twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
Nothing to celebrate on bizarrely prompt release. Case will be mentioned Eastern Magistrates Court on 30 Sep 2:30pm, the day before China’s decision to approve the arrest of #12youths activists and its national day.
@save12hkyouths #StandwithHK #Save12HKyouths
This is really good. But we now need to spell out what China’s “serious breach” of international law means in terms of actual consequences. #StandwithHK twitter.com/tariqahmadbt/s…
平野鈴子さん@suzutaro26 とメッセージを撮影しました😷来年7/23は中国共産党成立百周年、同じ日に日本でオリンピックが開催される予定です。目覚めた世界と協力し、一日も早い精神武装を。World,stand up🌏Japan,Wake up🇯🇵
#StandwithHK #StandwithUyghurs #saveMongolianLanguage #FreeTibet #香港
Clear pattern: as the free world moves to punish rights abusers, the CCP rewards them.
If I were newly rewarded CCP enforcer Britcops Dover and Jordan, I’d be worried...
#StandwithHK twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
1/ Shopping, dining, silent protesting on Beijing's National Day. Despite heavy police control over city's most crowded district, familiar slogans #5Demandsnot1less #TimeofourRevolution #StandwithHK are echoed in the streets.
A pleasure to meet my friend @MrWinMarshall of
@MumfordAndSons at the #Save12HKYouths rally.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” —Martin L. King
😭 - such desperation.
@DominicRaab we signed a treaty to defend the rights of these young people.
They are running because they know they have no hope of justice. We must keep our promises. #StandwithHK twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
Worst of all, events like these are so common now that this probably won’t even make the news.
Please @DominicRaab don’t let this pass unremarked, or without action. #StandwithHK twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
The @GOVUK must offer proper support to #HongKong people who feel they have no choice but to come to the UK on @pritipatel BN(O) scheme.
In the meantime we are building the Hong Kong Assistance and Resettlement Community (HK ARC) to provide trusted help. #StandwithHK twitter.com/hongkongarc/st…
English podcast on HK politics with insiders' views:
Check out 'WHAT'S UP IN HONG KONG?", produced by fomer lawmaker @ChuHoiDick and Australian born Hong Konger Matthew Chapple.
🍏 Apple Podcast: apple.co/3rMIyRB
🍎 Google Podcast: bit.ly/3huFKE8
@AlvinYeungnk , @KwaiLamHo , @LesterShum and many other primary election candidates are arrested. @joshuawongcf is in jail and cannot update his status through social media, but it is believed that he is also facing national secutiy law charge.
Please support them.
The logic behind the arrests could possibly be:
paricipating democratic camp primary election= fighting for Legco majority= subverting the state power
The way autocracy thinks is terrifying. The world has to react and hold the CCP accountable.
Best way to #StandwithHK in the US:
GO call4hk.com , input your postcode and check the preference of your representatives, contact them and encourgae them to support HK bills and resolutions.
Easy. Effective.
Share and tag your frds to join us.
7 months in jail hasn’t broken him. They’ve now taken him to a facility to stop him talking about his treatment in a Chinese prison.
The bravest man I have ever met: ANDY LI
#StandwithHK #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
On this day two years ago, in 2019, more than a million people rallied on the streets of Hong Kong.
Many have been prosecuted, injured, jailed, and exiled.
Even though democracy has not prevailed, we believe that eventually it would, as long as we never give up.
Not sure who took it, but ❤️ this photo.
On an issue as big as China, we have to look beyond party divisions. #StandwithHK
Thanks for having me @MTYoungBar and @middletemple for the belated 2020 annual dinner! Won't be a better event to mark my first black-tie appearance. Hope my speech made all of you proud.
With my friends @MichaelPolakLaw @benedictrogers @MahmutRahima @WilsonLeungWS