Let's get together today at 1pm KST to watch #SimplyKpop and say "Give me more...Give me more...#GIVEMEMORE!!" when #VAV comes out! Sounds like a plan. right? See ya then!
We hear that #OnlyOneOf have dual citizenship!
Korea...and HEAVEN!
These 7 beautiful angels 😇 have come to grace the #SimplyKpop stage with #angel, so don't miss them at 1pm KST today!
Is spring on its way? Because we've got 2 beautiful sprouts🌱 growing here at #SimplyKpop! Remember to join our MCs Jacob & Kevin every Friday at 1pm KST!
(PS. Fighting to #THE_BOYZ! We can't wait to see what they have to #REVEAL)
#ReadyOrNot, these girls are about to take you on a crazy spin on a #MerryGoRound! So stay focused, hydrated, and ready to see #MOMOLAND's energy burst on #SimplyKpop, Friday at 1pm KST!
Our RYU-vely may look so sweet and cute in these pictures, but watch out! Once she hits the stage, she becomes the ferocious RYU-rangie with #Tiger_Eyes 🐯(hear her RAWR~) So come and check out #RYUSUJEONG and her perfsssss on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST today!
너무 외롭다..ㅠㅠ🥀
그래서 이 노래를 찾았잖아📸
당신의 감성을 녹여줄 노래🕯️
사랑스러운 민지의 러블리~🎀
1시에 만나요
#공민지 #minzy #러블리 #lovely #SimplyKpop
Is this the eye clinic where #MoonBae are at?!
0.8->1.0->1.5->2.0 👀
Is it just us, or is our vision getting clearer and clearer with each picture we see of our handsome MCs? Until the day everyone's eyesight becomes 20/20, catch Jacob&Kevin on #SimplyKpop on Fridays at 1pm KST!
얼음하구 불하구 싸움이 벌어졌는데💥
저 멀리 멋있는 사람들이 걸어오는거에여👣
그걸 본 얼음을 굳어버렸고🧊
불은 부끄러워서 타 버렸어요🔥
얼음과 불을 다스리는 온리원오브 심플리에서 봐요💘
#온리원오브 #OnlyOneOf #얼음과_불의_노래 #SimplyKpop
아니 매주 이렇게 예뻐지면 어떡하지?🌠
매일 매일🌄 새로워 짜릿해 기대 돼!💡
포에버~ 금요일 1시 심플리 케이팝 무대 함께해요!🌟
#에버글로우 #EVERGLOW #던던 #DUN_DUN #SimplyKpop
상남자 냄새 폴폴~ 나는 #ACE
이글이글 타오르는 눈빛부터
강렬하고 파워풀한 퍼포먼스까지
듣는 재미는 기본! 보는 재미까지 가득한 #에이스 의 무대
금요일 낮 1시 #심플리 에서 함께 만나요~
금요일은 뭐 하는 날?
🏅금동이들 만나는 날!
금방 만날 수 있어 골드니스! 조금만 기다려~
금요일 심플리 케이팝에서 함께해요💗
#골든차일드 #Golden_Child #Without_You #SimplyKpop
This is your 10 minute alert to hurry and get yourself comfy so that you don't miss a single second of today's #SimplyKpop, hosted by the handsomest MCs around!
Watch through the link down below!
YT: youtube.com/watch?v=mqpTpE…
[#MoonBae are humans]
Since it's still April Fool's somewhere in the world, we wanted to tell a lie.
Can anyone tell us how #Kevin and #Jacob ended up descending to the human world? 😇
If you know any info, please let us know at #SimplyKpop!
Feeling #Lonely #Tonight (w/ Melody) since we can’t #HangOut in #Hutazone for awhile but keep #DayDream.in & #Fallin’ in ❤️, watching #YA on #SimplyKpop on Fri, 1pm KST. We’ll be #WaitingForYou #LeeMinhyuk #AllDay all night until you return! Thx for the undisclosed selfie as a 🎁
🧑 : Hurry and #WorkHard if you want to see #DKB's stage!
👩 : I've been working hard! My eyes 👀 only see DKB. My ears👂only listen to DKB. My lips 👄 only speak DKB! I can't rest!
Are you working hard too? Then reward yourself by watching them on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST today!
Goldenness, let's count down together!
TA-DA!! #GoldenChild is here!
They'll always come when you least expect it just to see you go #OMG! So get your hearts pre-prepared for their #SimplyKpop stage at #ONE pm KST on Friday!
심플리 가족 여러분~ 2019년 마무리 잘 하셨나요?
새해에는 소망하는 일 모두 이루시길 바라면서!
2020년에도 심플리와 함께 해주실 거죠?
#THEBOYZ #Jacob #Kevin #SimplyKpop
Did you know that when you see a group so pretty, you forget?! Did you know that when you see a group so pretty, you forget?! Did you know that when you see a group so pretty, you forget?! ...Let's go to #SimplyKpop & find our lost memories by watching #Lovelyz perform #Obliviate
만능 크리에이티브돌! #베리베리 가 선보이는
소녀들의 마음을 두근두근하게 만들 무대! #딱잘라서말해
재간둥이들의 밝은 에너지에 제 마음도 콩닥콩닥!
잠시 후 #심플리 에서 세 번 반하고 일곱 번 반할 준비 완료!
ps. 뽀뽀 받는 계현이는 햄볶아요~ 이런 셀카 옳다 옳아!!
#VERIVERY #SimplyKpop