Here are our sweet MCs MoonBae to tell you where you can catch today's #SimplyKpop! VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/194957 YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=oPxqhE… GO WATCH IT NOW!
하루에 한 번.. 두 번..⏲️ 세 번.. 네 번..🌅 아니, 열 번쯤은 봐야지..!!👓 봐도 봐도 계속 보고 싶은 윜밐이들🎉 금요일도 빠질 수 없지📸 키링들도 윜밐 열 번 보러 심플리로 가자~💝 #위키미키 #WekiMeki #웁시 #OOPSY #SimplyKpop
Hello~Hello~🤗 짱클리 위클리와 함께라면 매일 매일 반가워🤲 태양☀️도 바람💨도 꽃🌻도 길고양이🐱도 우리 위클리 행운을 빌어줄꼬지?!🍀 심플리도 짱클리 항상 응원할거니까 함께 봐요💐 #위클리 #Weeekly #We_are #Hello #SimplyKpop
And our angels - I mean, our MCs #MoonBae are here as always to guide you to the links to watch today's #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST! YT: youtube.com/watch?v=Iu90Ke… VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/228563 Twitter: To be posted!
#희나피아 #HINAPIA #DRIP #SimplyKpop 어떻게 점점 더 섹시해질 수 있는 거죠? 강렬한 퍼포먼스에 매일 1cm씩 자라는 섹시미~ 매력은 1m씩 Up 업! 되는 중이에요~ 희나피아의 매혹적인 DRIP DRIP DRIP~ 매일매일 보러 와요!!!!!!!!!!!! youtube.com/watch?v=9Ws3C9…
우리 사랑둥이 MC들은 #심플리와 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 짝꿍이죠? 매주 엄청난 활약을 보여주는 우리 #케콥 보러 와주실 거죠? 항상 활기찬 에너지로 엔도르핀 뿜뿜 솟아나게 해주는 #제이콥 #케빈 내일 낮 1시 #심플리케이팝 에서 만나요~ #SimplyKpop
What’s up Simply Fam! MC Kevin here 😉 Ready for some K-Pop to help ya brave the heat? 1pm KST today! You know the drill 😘(Jacob be looking like the Nicholas Cage meme in the last one lool) #SimplyKpop #THEBOYZ #Kevin #Jacob #KeCob #itsreallykevinpostingthistime
[Simply K-Pop] KIM JAEHWAN X Begin Again #SimplyKpop #KIMJAEHWAN #김재환 #안녕하세요 #직캠
🧑 : 어서 일하세요! 다크비 무대를 보고 싶다면 열심히 일하란 말이에요! 👩 : 저는 태어날 때부터 열일중이었어요... 제 눈👀은 다크만 보고... 제 귀👂는 다크비만 듣고... 제 입👄은 다크비만 말해요... 전 쉴 수가 없습니다... #다크비 #DKB #난일해 #WorkHard #심플리케이팝 #SimplyKpop
Sigh... #LOONA, please hold still!! So that our arrows of love don't miss! 🏹 Full of #SimplyKpop's love, #LOONA's performance of #SoWhat! Don't you miss out on this at 1pm KST today!
Watch out! Hot rookies on their way! #DKB is ready to #Go_up and beyond with #Sorry_Mama on #SimplyKpop, so don't miss out on their HOT debut stage, all starting at 1pm KST!
It doesn't matter if it's in #Seoul or any other city. We're just jealous of the ground that #GHOST9 stands on! Come watch the trace they left on the #SimplyKpop stage at 1pm KST!
오늘의 컨셉은 쌍둥이~ 놀이공원에 놀러 간 아이들처럼 해맑은 미소가 뿜뿜~ 우리 MC #제이콥#케빈 의 하트 뿅뿅 받고 잠시 후 1시~ #심플리케이팝 으로 Go Go Go! #줄무늬형제 #오똑한콧날 #열정브이 #SimplyKpop
goddess #OhHaYoung came to #SimplyKpop again this week! If you're curious about the performance that'll get your hearts fluttering about, make sure to watch her #DontMakeMeLaugh stage at 1pm KST today!
#BDC must be expert archers🏹, because they shoot the stars✩, they #SHOOT_THE_MOON, 🌙 and more important, they shoot straight to our hearts💘 Catch their perfect, bull's eye 🎯performance on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST today!
No need to eat rice cake soup this Seollal! #GoldenChild's prepared stages that'll take our hearts, #BurnIt, #Cool_Cool it down, and then fill it up with all that we needed for the mind, body and soul! Make sure to watch their golden shine on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST!
And where can you watch today's #SimplyKpop? Let #MoonBae show you the way! Youtube: youtube.com/watch?v=AGLVpJ… VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/201992 Twitter: To be posted!
When the MCs are this beautiful, you gotta ask yourself - What am I doing not watching #MoonBae on #SimplyKpop? Watch today's episode below at 1pm KST! YT: youtube.com/watch?v=gAg3TV… V LIVE: vlive.tv/video/245012
잠시 후, 7시 #심플리케이팝 CON-TOUR LIVE에 윤지성이 출연합니다. LOVE SONG 그리고 밤을 핑계 삼아 무대와 지성이와 만나는 코너도 준비되어 있으니 밥알들 이따 꼭 꼭 만나요🌙❤️🎵 #SimplyKpop Link 🔜 youtu.be/82SuWC-H0FY #윤지성 #YoonJisung #Temperature_of_Love #LOVE_SONG
When we look closely, you are beautiful. When we look for a long while, you are beautiful. You are #THEBOYZ 🌸 Did you fall for their charms after watching their #DDD perf on #SimplyKpop? Make sure watch again and again and again and again and again and again...!
[VAV] Arirang TV #심플리케이팝 #VAV '#119' 무대 다시보기 Replay #191025 #SimplyKpop Stage! 📣 youtu.be/jB3O6XiATA0 #VAV #브이에이브이 #POISON #포이즌 #VAV_COMEBACK
VICTON X Howling (A song-only (no dancing) version) #SimplyKpop #VICTON #빅톤 #Howling #KPOP
[Simply K-Pop] JEONG SEWOON(정세운)'s Simply K-Pop Behind 까꿍~~~~😍 #정세운 #심플리케이팝 비.하.인.드🎬 #SimplyKpop #JEONGSEWOON #정세운 #Feeling #kpop