The gamepad controlling 🔊 Sound On #YaminoArt #Shuclip #Akurylic #VoxPopuLIVE
👉what would you do with tiny shu yamino? ⬅️ 😈👟🐧🐣🤟👼 ➡️ 🔗: "hydraulic press" 👟: AAAAAAAA😱😱😱 🔗: there can only be one shu, why is there a tiny shu? 👟: what if i shrunk and it was still me😭😭😭? *panik* #Shuclip #Brisklips twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🤟: Can you wink and say I love you to your chat for me please 👟: No 🤟🛸👼: WWW 🤟: yo i tried yaminions. I tried 🛸: can you wink and say ily to me at least? 👟: in private 🛸: cool i will take it #Shuclip #ZottoClips #Kyoclips #AiaClips
「じゅーじゅー」 かわええ…❤️❤️❤️ 「啾—啾—」 太可愛了啦…❤️❤️❤️ 「Ju-Ju-」 Why this guy so cute in this way…❤️❤️❤️ #Shuclip #ShuYamino
👟: daz crazy, chaos, daz crazy 🎭: pause 🔗: pause, daz crazy 🦁: www 🔗: That should have been his line #lucalive #Shuclip #Brisklips #knoxclips
🎤霊夢ちゃんとShuくんとYugoのギャルボイスパック 🎤Reimu&Shu&Yugo's GAL voice pack Shuくんの解析度がすごくてYugo若干古くて、霊夢ちゃんが"キツい"を知ってるのがすごかったw 霊夢ちゃんHBD🎉 ⚠️意訳 #ReimuLive #Shuclip #Yuclip #YugoAsuma #ReimumuHBD2022 🎂【youtu.be/1Kh6XaDBa6g
YugoとShuくんのもじぴったん 〜Yugoの【やいのり王】経由まとめ〜 初代やいのり王おめでとう〜🎉 #Yuclip #YugoONAIR #Shuclip #ShuclipJP #YugoAsuma #ShuYamino 👑【youtu.be/BrdNY9nMCYQ
【ENG SUB】 Personally the funniest moment LMAOOO Yugo: (bo ke) dumb😎 Shu: (boke tsu) grave😄 Yugo: AHHHHHHHHHHH😭😭😭 JP common phrase: 墓穴を掘る(Boketsu wo horu) mean “Dig one’s own grave” Also the butt hair WTH 🤣🤣 #ShuYamino #Shuclip #shuclipEN #YugoAsuma #Yuclip
シュウくん🇺🇸に日本語を教えてもらうユーゴくん🇯🇵 🔗 youtu.be/C-jTofPhEmw #Yuclip #Shuclip #ShuYamino #YugoONAIR
YugoとShuくんのもじぴったんコラボ 👟Shuくんが選ぶ"ざこ"集 #Yuclip #Shuclip #shuclipJP #YugoONAIR #YugoAsuma #ShuYamino ✏️【youtu.be/C-jTofPhEmw
⛅️: Catch Eveland 🐧: Ike Catchland 👟: Ikatcher 🖋️: IKATCHER WWWWWW 🦁: Ikachu #PenCast #PetraOnAir #Shuclip #SliceofIke #LucaLive
🌤>❤️‍🩹>🐧>👟>🦁 The bonk domino... you guys are adorable🥹 #PenCast #Clippetts #Petraonair #Shuclip #lucalive
🔗: I thought Uki was more of a catcher than a pitcher 🔗: ...thank you 🌤: Sonny? 🎭: Oh, Sonny~ 👟: Wait, what? 🔗: Nothing, I love baseball The silence was so freaking loud LMAO #brisklips #Pencast #Shuclip #knoxclips
🖋️: I thought of something really funny heehehee 🖋️: *puts Shu's model behind his chair* #SliceofIke #IkeStreamland #ShuYamino #Shuclip
🖋️(Ivy): Somebody help me~ 👟: *saves him* There we go 🖋️(Ivy): ah, my savior~ #SliceofIke #IkeStreamland #Shuclip #ShuYamino
🪄 : My name is Millie Parfait from 2434's... 3rd wave..? Ethyria? I think I'm in 3rd wave.. 👟: Yes yes yes 🖋️: You're a gem, Millie. Never change. 🪄 : I'm not the smartest one... I think I'm the comedic relief. #SliceofIke #MillieSeconds #Shuclip #Livestem
👟: *does a metal scream* 🖋️: YOOOO!! A PRODIGY. Fucking metal prodigy is Shu over here! #SliceofIke #IkeStreamland #Shuclip
🎭: Shu, close your eyes bro 👟: Oh bro 🎭: What do you see bro 👟: I don't see anything bro 🎭: That's my life without you bro 👟: oh brooo 🎭: broooo #ShuYamino #Albanlive #Shuclip #KnoxClips
シュウの「えっち」発言疑惑 【にじさんじEN切り抜き】 #Luxiem #Shuclip #Shuclipjp