Millie: Scams her fanbase Drops original song Speedruns outfit reveal Refuses to elaborate Leaves #MillieMilkers #MillieSeconds
🪄: hii fuuchan 👟: lettuce 🐑: sup 🪄: where r u? 🐑: im here to make snowmen 👹: and fuck bitches 🔮: im bitches 👟: whoa on stream???? #MillieSeconds #ShuYamino #Fulgurovidhere #UkiLive #VoxPopulive
🪄: If you had to eat one niji en member, who and why? 🦊: Uki cause he looks tasty 🪄:OOOOHHHH #MillieSeconds #MystaClips #UkiVioleta
I can't believe Millie just said "fuck garlic," idk if I can talk to her ever again #MillieSeconds
🪄: bye byee~ 🖋️: bye~~ 🪄: LOVE YOUUU!! 🖋️: eh. uh. uh.. LOVE YO-- *leaves vc* pfft #MillieSeconds #SliceOfIke
"We are the ultimate being." "Millie's hat, Luca's boobs, my thighs.... WE ARE THE SEXIEST CREATURE EVER TO EXIST!!!" #PomuLive #MillieSeconds #LucaLive
🖋️: *enters vc* 🪄: ENTER, THE MAN OF SEX 🖋️: NO! MILLIE DON'T SAY THAT! wwwwww #MillieSeconds #SliceOfIke
Happy Birthday song relay for Yugo by Fuu, Ike, Luca, Millie, Mysta, Petra, Sonny, and Uki. Best birthday song. REAL. NOT CLICKBAIT. #YuClip #YugoONAIR #Ovideos #SliceofIke #MillieSeconds #MystaLive #Petraonair #Brisklips #Ukilipse
🖋️: *searches sex on the beach* 🖋️: THAT WAS NOT COCKTAILS! 🦁: What did you see, Ike? 🖋️: TAKE A WILD FRCKING GUESS, KANESHIRO - 🪄🦁: *also searches it* 🦁: I saw cocktail and I saw cock....tail..… #SliceofIke #IkeStreamland #LucaLive #MillieSeconds
🪄: who in niji en do you think would be a good dad for quilldren? 🪄:👹? 🖋️: NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. 🪄: Would u let 👹 babysit quilldren? 🖋️: No. -- 🖋️: I think 🎭 would be a great babysitter #IkeStreamland #MillieSeconds
🪄: can i play this on stream? am i gonna be copyrighted? 🕊️:'s your song... 🪄: Oh... -- 🪄:*plays 🕊️'s cover of 🪄's og song "Sana ako na lang"*🥺🥺🥺 #MillieSeconds #EnnaLively
【中字Clips】Millie: one word compliment to Luca❌ Full sentence compliment⭕️ Millie is so sweet and supportive I love her so much 😭 #MillieSeconds #lucakaneshiro #lucalive
Millie calls Fulgur on stream to say "I love you, Onii-chan"... 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹… #MillieSeconds #millieparfait #OVideos #FulgurOvid
Ike and Fuu-chan arguing with Millie about Football vs Soccer, then Uki makes a Mean Girls reference, Ike says "I love you, Uki" and Ike dies laughing... yeah. wild. #SliceofIke #OVideos #MillieSeconds #Ukilipse #YugoONAIR
*talking about characteristics of people with blood type O* 🏆: it also has "optimistic" 🕊️: I'M OPTIMISTIC! 🏆: Optimistic about what?? Death? 🖋️: OHMYGOD 🪄: WWWWW 🕊️: Death gives you peace🙏 #Clippetts #TatsuTalk #EnnaLively #SliceOfIke #MillieSeconds
Luca being a menace and messing with Millie because she's afraid she might fall 😂😂 #MillieSeconds #millieparfait #LucaLive #LucaKaneshiro
🔮: Can you use your own icon? 🎧: Hmm? Shut up, you fake Uki 🎧: I'm the real Uki 🎧: fuu fuu chan~? #Ukilipse #Yuclip #MillieSeconds
🪄 : My name is Millie Parfait from 2434's... 3rd wave..? Ethyria? I think I'm in 3rd wave.. 👟: Yes yes yes 🖋️: You're a gem, Millie. Never change. 🪄 : I'm not the smartest one... I think I'm the comedic relief. #SliceofIke #MillieSeconds #Shuclip #Livestem
🪄: *plays♦️'s video message* 🪄: HOLD ON. I always wanted to go inside his house 🪄: *plays the video again but "INFILTRATES" his penthouse😂😂😂* #MillieSeconds #MillieCake2022 #VerIn4k
🪄: I'm still looking forward to that THING we planned. I know it's a little bit... 🖋️: Yeah I know. I'm sorry, it's taking ages... 🪄: I know but y'know, everyone's busy🖋️ -- 🪄: We gotta make it soon, we gotta make it happen 🖋️: Yeah we gotta 👀👀👀 #MillieSeconds #SliceOfIke
なんで俺が全部やるんだ!!!ってキレちゃうふーちゃん (状況説明とちょっとした訳がありますが間違えてたらすみません) #Ovideos #MillieSeconds #MystaClips #EnnaLively
🎰: What's everyone gonna be working on? 💅: Thumbnails! 🪄: I just wanna be surrounded by girls, that's all 🖋️: I'll see myself out 🔗… #KosaCast #MillieSeconds #SliceOfIke
ふーちゃんの最高のケトル笑いに釣られるみんな 🐑「NoNoNoNo」(ミスタと衝突し押し出す) 🦊「ォ”😱」 🐑「wwwwwwwwwwww」 #Ovideos #MillieSeconds #MystaClips #EnnaLively