9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday. Happy birthday!🐱 Shang: Thank you Jun Po. This is the kind of surprise I appreciate😆 Wan: My colleagues in the Order told me about this cat café when they heard about my stress problems🤗 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #東離劍遊紀 #殤不患
#ThunderboltFantasy Commemorative Photo 4⃣ From 夏目御十夜: #ShangBuHuan & #LangWuYao posing back to back. The last photo is here! Lang is still recovering from his dad's party, but thanks to your participation, the puppets had a lot of fun!!🥰🥰🥰
9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂 Shang: Everyone stand back, I'm going to cut the cake now!😆 An outdoor party to catch the last flowers of summer while enjoying the temperance of autumn! #ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #FallEquinox #東離劍遊紀 #殤不患