"But their latest feat shows how fans are taking their support to the charts". Good job Atinys 🥺🫂 Love You from A to Z #SayMyNameLOUD #SayMyName_ATEEZ #Respect_Art #RespectJosh #RespectATEEZ #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/billboard/stat…
私達はATINYだということが誇りです! たくさん愛を広めましょう❤️ Love You from A to Z #Respect_Art #RespectJosh #RespectATEEZ #SayMyName_ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈
Have you seen Say My Name faster version? Check this out 🔥 Full Video: youtu.be/62z0nM01inI #SayMyNameLOUD #SayMyName_ATEEZ #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📣]Say My Name iTunes•レコチョク一斉購入😊 本日10/10 (月)21:00から タグ付けと鬼リツお願いします✨ #ATEEZ に届け💕💕 SAY MY NAME #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial
Today 'Say My Name' MV had its highest increase in 2022, with 29,815 views! It hasn't reached such daily views since December 2021! — 🌸 — #SayMyName_ATEEZ #driving_dance_challenge #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial
Let's keep on streaming this masterpiece ATINY youtu.be/nKU4OVH18mE Tagging @ateez_charts @ATEEZcommunity @AtinyNetwork Drop the tags 👇 SAY MY NAME 내 이름은 이름은 A to the Z #RESPECTATEEZ #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] THE ORIGINAL Campaign — October 20 Schedule Share us your favorite Say My Name Concept Photos and Performances together with our tags 👇 #SayMyNameLOUD #SayMyName_ATEEZ Drop it now ATINY #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ #梯子 @ATEEZofficial
📋| SAY MY NAME ~ views update Today's current increase: 27k 🔥 Last 27k increase was on March 20th 2022! Can we make it to 30K increase before the day ends?🏃‍♀️ — 🌸 — #SayMyName_ATEEZ #driving_dance_challenge #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial
“Bite Sign”はダンスの振り付けを真似された時にダンサーがする抗議の方法で、こんなに色んなところでウヨンくんが勇気持って訴えてたんだね。ATEEZが闘う時はATINYも一緒だよ。 #정우영사랑해챌린지💗 #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈
ATINY, our captain never teach us to dream small! Here's our daily voting list for October 22nd, 2022 🔥 #GuerrillaVoter #SayMyName_ATEEZ #ATEEZisTheReal #ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial
📋| #SayMyName_ATEEZ YT manual list! 2nd list of the day is here! We've reached 64M, let's go to 65M next!✨ ~Remember to search the videos and stream manually! RESPECT ART ANTI PLAGIARISM MOVEMENT #RespectATEEZ #ATEEZisTheReal #SayMyName_Ateez @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈
[📣]Say My Name iTunes•レコチョク一斉購入🔥 本日10/10 (月)21:00から SAY MY NAMEを守りたい‼️ 彼らと共に戦いましょう‼️ ATEEZ と ATINYの心は一つ‼️ タグ祭りの参加もお願いします! SAY MY NAME #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial
📣JTINYへお願い JTINY団結しましょう‼️ iTunes kpopに19位で入っています。 少しでも上位にチャートインさせたいです。 可能であれば一斉購入の時間に合わせて下さい。 よろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️ SAY MY NAME #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/ateez_japan_fb…
Yesterday (11.10.22) 'Say My Name' MV had its highest increase since 4th December 2021, with 36,870 views! — 🌸 — #SayMyName_ATEEZ #driving_dance_challenge #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ @ATEEZofficial
📋| YT manual list is here! Today we're focusing on 'Say My Name' MV! Let's reach 64M soon, we're really close! ✨🤍 ~ Remember to search the videos and stream manually! — 🌸 — #driving_dance_challenge #SayMyName_ATEEZ #Guerrilla @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #エイティーズ
Are you streaming Say My Name with us? 🔥 Post your ss of streaming in replies & tag 3 friends to do the same! Tagged by @ateez_updates Let's go @usa_ateez @AtinyVentures @ATEEZtranslati2 #RESPECTATEEZ #driving_dance_challenge #ATEEZ #SayMyName_ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial #에이티즈
今まで何度もパクり騒動があっても沈黙を続けた彼ら。 騒ぎ立てることでリスクもあるはず。 でも今回はメンバー自身が、ウヨンが、意思表示をしたんです。それも何度も何度も。守りたいと言っている。 私たちも彼らと一緒に行動しましょう! #SayMyName_ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial