despite what’s going on, i’m so proud of atinys to keep staying strong especially for ateez when things aren’t going our way. we won’t let that faze us to continue stand for what’s right! RESPECT ATEEZ #막상글은올렸지만너무무섭다 #ApologizeToJosh #ApologizeToATEEZ
Another account posted about the issue and the post has 3.6K likes.. Most of the comments are on our side! RESPECT ATEEZ #막상글은올렸지만너무무섭다 #ApologizeToJosh #ApologizeToATEEZ #ATEEZisTheReal #SayMyName #ATEEZ m.weibo.cn/5607032695/482…
📋| #SayMyName_ATEEZ YT manual list! 2nd list of the day is here! Let's keep going and make everyone say our boys' name! ✨ ~ Remember to search the videos and stream manually! RESPECT ATEEZ #막상글은올렸지만너무무섭다 #ApologizeToATEEZ #ApologizeToJosh #ATEEZisTheReal