幕張メッセ!!キンプリ!!SUPER LIVE SSS! 観戦中!! #キンプリ #SSS #DJKOO
Surprise visit! WJSN with news about "LIVE THEME"! #SSS #WJSN #LIVETHEME #WHATSTHAT 깜짝 방문! 우주소녀가 "라이브 테마" 소식을 전해드려요! #슈스쉽 #우주소녀 #라이브테마 #궁금해
#KOP #SSS !! #TRF メドレー!!泣いた~!! #キンプリ #DJKOO
#MONSTA_X We stand together! Time for MONBEBE to do the same in #SSS ! Join us now! #StandTogether is now updated in SSS! Clear missions now for limited BG IMAGE and limited theme card!
#WJSN 더 블랙(WJSN THE BLACK)이 #우정 을 찾고 있어요! 지금 #슈스쉽 에선 유닛곡 #Easy 를 플레이할 수 있다구요! 더 화이트! 우정~! 지금 듣고 있죠? #WJSN THE BLACK is looking for #UJUNG! The unit song #Easy is now available on #SSS ! Are you listening, UJUNG? youtu.be/AUPZL-k6sW8
Don't look anywhere else, don't move! Are you calling me? Today #SSS New Song #WJSN #우와 (WW) My heart is going crazy! Now or never! #WJSN Original Theme Updated! Don't miss out on new themes and BG IMAGE through missions! Just get your eyes on you! Limited profile.
⚡️⚡️⚡️𝐒𝐒𝐒 // 𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐍 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨⚡️⚡️⚡️ 参加選手発表 日本のAPEX競技シーンを代表する最強メンバーが集結 シーズン16最初の"日本最強"プレイヤーを決めるぞ! 2/19(日)19:00〜 すでたき個人配信にて twitch.tv/sudetakin #SSS
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #AsYouWish UPDATED! Iruri iruri la everything will happen as you wish! Play #WJSN new song and get the signed CD! WHO IS THE BEST GAMER? Cheer for the epic #WJSN battle and get #lightstick ! Don't forget the Thanksgiving gift as well! #As_You_Wish #SSS
🌸#SSP フリーミント祭り🌸 ✅発行数:2,000 ✅発売日:3/18(Sat)20:00〜(24h) ✅特 典:1枚保有につき4/8(Sat) 発売予定 #SSS のALを1つプレゼント🎁✨ 【募集期間】 3/10(Fri)20:00〜(48h) 👇応募はコチラから forms.gle/17WxpxUMu7aBgQ… @MATe_RIYA_NFT follow&引用RTで当選確率up🌈✨… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
⚡️⚡️⚡️𝐒𝐒𝐒 (𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐍 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨)⚡️⚡️⚡️ "日本最強プレイヤー"を決めるAPEXのソロ大会を開催します! 日本の上位プロチームのエースプレイヤーを選抜! 2/19(日)19:00〜 すでたき個人配信にて twitch.tv/sudetakin 参加選手は後日発表! 絶対見てくれ! #SSS
Let's play #Last_Dance with #SSS We have to clear all the #Last_Dance missions before this dances ends Do not miss to check #WJSN New Limited Theme and New Limited BG Image! Check out #WJSN Limited Profile as well!
Everybody, breathe in. I couldn't breathe as soon as I saw it! Hey come! #SSS is having trouble breathing right now #WJSN #UNNATURAL updated! If you clear the #UNNATURAL Mission now, new theme and limited BG Image await! Take the Signed CD raffles chance as well!
BLUE BEES🐝PUBG 【選手契約報告】 この度、BLUE BEESは、Sabrac(@2222_sab_n )選手ShowK(@ShowK_ow )選手 の両選手とマネジメント契約を締結したことを報告いたします。 #PUBG #PUBG_DMM #PJS #新生BB #感謝 #SSS
어어어 Don't skip! 절대 놓치면 안 될 씬 오늘 #슈스쉽#우주소녀 #New_Me 가 업데이트된다면서? 새로운 한정테마 Me 지켜 봐 #NewMe Oh, Don't skip! A scene not to be missed! Today #WJSN #New_Me is updated in #SSS Check out new #NewMe limited theme as well!
1/ ✨#SattvaSoulSupporters SBT✨ 数 量:1,200 価 格:0.012ETH 発売日:1/26 20:00〜1/29 20:00 特 典:#SSS 確定ALを3つ付与 まずはコチラの応募フォームでエントリー✨ docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… ※連続ツイートになっていますので必ず最後までお読みください😌
【HAYABUSA続報】 明日12:00にWEBオープンする「HAYABUSA EXPERIENCE by 3.5D × docomo ONLINE EXHIBITION」 クリエイター集団「SSS by applibot」とのコラボレーションが実現!「SSS」が描く「隼」花譜と5Gのイメージの世界を、お楽しみに! #花譜 #docomo #HAYABUSA #5G #dポイント #AR #VR #SSS
「HAYBUSA EXPERIENCE 3.5D × docomo」では花譜のイラストレーターとしてもお馴染みのPALOW.氏が所属するクリエイティブ集団「SSS by applibot」とのコラボレーション展示空間が登場します! 7名のイラストレーターによる書き下ろしの花譜は必見です。 #docomo #3_5D #花譜 #SSS #トリエス
[2019 for #SSS was never short!] -15,046,898,277,478 total play score! -#MONSTA_X is the group with most play counts, and fail counts! -#WJSN themes were the most obtained! Happy new year 2020! ٩(•᎑•)✦
📢#SuperStarSTARSHIP Updated! YALLA~ YALLA~💃 #WJSN #음 (#YALLA) Updated🎶 Clear #WJSN missions and do not miss to get YALLA limited Wallpaper🎁 Check out limited theme and profile set in #SSS right now!
Wonder what #SSS was like in 2020?! It will be even greater in 2021! Happy new year! 2020년 #슈스쉽 이 궁금해요? 2021년은 더 대단할걸요~! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Don't be Surprise yet~ It's still not in a beginning🤫 #SuperStarSTARSHIP this week update! 🎹 #WJSN The Black - #Easy Clear all missions and Signed CD raffle awaits you~🎁 Check it out #WJSN_TheBlack New theme in #SSS right now~!
아무도 몰래 내게 다가간다면 티가 안 나잖아 소란스럽게 #우주소녀_쪼꼬미 한테 달려갈 거 #야야야~~~! #슈스쉽 에 찾아온 #쪼꼬미 를 향해 달려간다! If no one approaches me secretly, I'm going to run to #WJSN_CHOCOME #YAYAYA ~~~! We're running towards #CHOCOME, who came to #SSS!
#슈스쉽 은 필연적인 존재다 온 우주를 쥐락 펴락할 인피..아니 우주소녀 쪼꼬미 사인 CD 이 고귀한 CD를 누가 감당하실래요? #SSS They're inevitable The whole universe needs WJSN CHOCOME signed CD, Who's in line?!
🧜: youtu.be/sIdoVpCr7VQ 👑: 오늘이다 🙋🏻: ..네? 👑: 우주소녀 컴백으로 무대 찢는 날 (지금 #슈스쉽 에서 신곡 플레이 가능) 👑: It's the day 🙋🏻: ...What? 👑: WJSN comeback to slay the stage! (new song available now at #SSS)
누가 그러던데 밥 대신 CD 먹었냐구요~~ 라이브까지 완벽한 #몬스타엑스#Ride_with_U #슈스쉽 으로 (물론 CD버전ㅎ) 플레이하러 와요! Who fed them the album CDs?!?! #MONSTA_X got some perfect #Ride_with_U live performances! Join #SSS and play the song! (non-live version though)