【超拡散希望】 本日18:00に発表があります。 #myfirststory #マイファス #SSS
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 舞台刀剣乱舞初演を振り返っていたら、その後すぐ公演したSSSの殺陣返し稽古動画を発見!この公演も懐かしい。なかなかハードでした。 当日はちゃっかり刀ステ初演のTシャツでしたね 笑 山県昌景!参る! #刀剣乱舞 #SSS ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ twitter.com/tonobiyori/sta…
BLUE BEES🐝PUBG 【選手契約報告】 この度、BLUE BEESは、Sabrac(@2222_sab_n )選手ShowK(@ShowK_ow )選手 の両選手とマネジメント契約を締結したことを報告いたします。 #PUBG #PUBG_DMM #PJS #新生BB #感謝 #SSS
Wo~~~~~~~~w! Finally! #SuperStarSTARSHIP is officially open! ⠀ Meet us at #SSS through #MONSTA_X open celebration video!   Wo~~~~~~~~w! 드디어! 슈스쉽 정식 오픈하였습니다! ⠀ #몬스타엑스 의 오픈 축하 영상과 함께 지금 바로 #슈스쉽 에서 만납시다! ☞ bit.ly/2M7dGHC
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #AsYouWish UPDATED! Iruri iruri la everything will happen as you wish! Play #WJSN new song and get the signed CD! WHO IS THE BEST GAMER? Cheer for the epic #WJSN battle and get #lightstick ! Don't forget the Thanksgiving gift as well! #As_You_Wish #SSS
[2019 for #SSS was never short!] -15,046,898,277,478 total play score! -#MONSTA_X is the group with most play counts, and fail counts! -#WJSN themes were the most obtained! Happy new year 2020! ٩(•᎑•)✦
幕張メッセ!!キンプリ!!SUPER LIVE SSS! 観戦中!! #キンプリ #SSS #DJKOO
#KOP #SSS !! #TRF メドレー!!泣いた~!! #キンプリ #DJKOO
【スタッフ】#五十嵐雅 が出演致しました、「KING OF PRISM SUPER LIVE Shiny Seven Stars!」にご来場頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました🐟🌈 カツオのトロッコ、、いかがでしたでしょうか?☺️ 本日のライブはBlu-ray&DVDにもなりますので是非チェックしてみてください👀✨ #kinpri #SSS
「HAYBUSA EXPERIENCE 3.5D × docomo」では花譜のイラストレーターとしてもお馴染みのPALOW.氏が所属するクリエイティブ集団「SSS by applibot」とのコラボレーション展示空間が登場します! 7名のイラストレーターによる書き下ろしの花譜は必見です。 #docomo #3_5D #花譜 #SSS #トリエス
Surprise visit! WJSN with news about "LIVE THEME"! #SSS #WJSN #LIVETHEME #WHATSTHAT 깜짝 방문! 우주소녀가 "라이브 테마" 소식을 전해드려요! #슈스쉽 #우주소녀 #라이브테마 #궁금해
라이브테마가 뭐냐고 물으셨죠? 거짓말 아니고 이거 진짜 출시해요 지금 영상으로 확인해보세요! #슈스쉽 #라이브테마 #발편집 #죄송합니다 What is a LIVE THEME? It was not a prank! Check our spoiler video! #SSS #LIVETHEME #LOWEFFORT #SORRY
【HAYABUSA続報】 明日12:00にWEBオープンする「HAYABUSA EXPERIENCE by 3.5D × docomo ONLINE EXHIBITION」 クリエイター集団「SSS by applibot」とのコラボレーションが実現!「SSS」が描く「隼」花譜と5Gのイメージの世界を、お楽しみに! #花譜 #docomo #HAYABUSA #5G #dポイント #AR #VR #SSS
#SuperStarSTARSHIP Double this week! Two songs updated! ⠀ #MIND_U - #니가_궁금한_여름밤이야 (#Summer_Night_Story) (Feat. OuiOui, PLUMA) & #CRAVITY - #낯섦 (#Stay) updated! Play #SSS right now for the new songs
1周年ありがとう!!これからもよろしくだぜ!! #SSS
🌈本日のキンプリ情報🌈 また逢えるって信じてたよ! 直前のお知らせになってしまいましたが! #キングオブプリズム 上映しまーす‼️ しかも!#キンプリ #キンプラ #SSS #プリズムショーベストテン、全部やります😆 応援シタイ、デモ今ハムリ…無発声応援上映ダヨ。 sugai-dinos.jp/cinema/sapporo…
All I see is you what should I do now #SSS #WJSN (WOULD YOU LIKE?) #Starry_Moment updated! Play Starry Moment missions now! Limited theme, BG IMAGE and profiles too as rewards! Play during the event for a free new theme card gift!
Right mood for a new year This is the song for today #SSS new song #TraLa by #WJSN ! Play right now! All clear the missions for PREMIUM PACK 30 reward! #WJSN new profiles as well!
Wonder what #SSS was like in 2020?! It will be even greater in 2021! Happy new year! 2020년 #슈스쉽 이 궁금해요? 2021년은 더 대단할걸요~! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
I am now ready to run! Tie your shoes up! #JEONGSEWOON #In_the_Dark is updated in #SSS ! New profiles in Shop, Limited BG IMAGE and chance for signed CD through comeback missions! #정세운_인더다크_빛나게될거야 #TWENTYFOUR #PART2 #인더다크
Where do you want to go?! Let's meet here at #SSS today! #CRAVITY #Sunrise is now updated, let's play missions together! #CRAVITY new theme card and limited BG IMAGE available! Check out the new profiles in Shop too!
#Vroom Vroom Vroom Skrrrt! Can you hear this? #CRAVITY on hot pursuit?! #My_Turn by #CRAVITY updated! Play the new song on #SSS ! None can stop me! Go for limited BG IMAGE and signed CD through missions! I need nothing else! Meet the new profiles too! #HIDEOUT #BE_OUR_VOICE
#MONSTA_X We stand together! Time for MONBEBE to do the same in #SSS ! Join us now! #StandTogether is now updated in SSS! Clear missions now for limited BG IMAGE and limited theme card!
Hey I only want you! I only want #CRAVITY today's #SSS new song #Moonlight #CRAVITY being the best flowery boys again! Chance to get Original event theme! New theme ready at missions and Shop! Limited BG IMAGE, event theme card and new profiles too!
I can forever repeat the name #CRAVITY Calling the name #CRAVITY playing #SSS from my heart Clear #CallMyName missions now for the perfect limited theme and BG IMAGE rewards! Check out new limited profiles too!