コロナウイルスとワクチンは事前に計画されていた #FDA #NIH #SARSCoV2 #スパイクタンパク質 #モデルナ #ファイザー #新型コロナウィルス 🌟もっと最新情報を知りたい場合は以下のリンクGettrにてご覧ください! gettr.com/user/himalayaj…
Two years since #COVID pandemic happened... Was @WHO allowed to examine CCP’s labs or meet any REAL patient independently? Did WHO admit the cover-up with CCP regime, then caused the worldwide disaster? Will WHO admit lab-origin of #SARSCoV2? Is WHO responsible for public health? twitter.com/mvankerkhove/s…
During this pandemic, I’ve seen people using their diverse talents to explain the virus, immunity and vaccines. @KeeneRoz uses her crochet skills to create a model #SARSCoV2 so that blind people can visualize the virus and its genome (plus bonus antibody). 😍🙏🏼 #scicomm