🚨 #Russia: Marina #Yankina, head of finance for the Western Military District in the Defence Ministry has been assassinated by defenestration (out the window) in St. Petersburg. General #Gerasimov embezzled millions in this district and is likely eliminating witnesses.
Everyone needs to know this is MANIZHA! #Eurovision #OpenUp #Russia
ドネツクとルガンスクでウ軍の8年間の砲撃で14,000人が死亡 2週間前ドネツクの中心地でウ軍がクラスター爆弾を使い21人以上が死亡 手足の切断も含めて負傷したのは37人以上 プロパガンダではなく真実を伝えるのがジャーナリストの仕事です #Russia #Ukraine
You'd be forgiven for thinking these scenes are from bomb-ravaged #Ukraine. Yet, this is #Vorkuta in Russia. Nobody ever bombed this city. The only problem is that this city is in Russia. This is the true face of Putin's #Russia in the 21st century - corruption & destitution.
日本の報道が全て嘘とばれる映像 #VladimirPutin #Russia #プーチン
🚨 🧵 #Gerasimov's Hail Mary Attack on #Lviv: The following is reported by Volya Media, allegedly from sources inside the General Staff of #Russia. 1) Russia has readied 700,000 soldiers, some already in West Belarus, & 200,000 waiting in reserves. 2) Attack may start in weeks.
#SANCTIONS: Russians don't have the tech to make their own tires, and this is what happens to brand new tires imported from #China in Yakutsk, #Russia in -35 °C temperatures. 8 tires failed on the 1st truck, 7 on the 2nd, and multiple on all other trucks.
#Russia: Putin's fascist regime drafted the sole pediatric neurosurgeon in the twin cities of Sterlitamak (population 275,000) & Salavat (population 155,000) in Bashkortostan. Akhmet Abubakirov was drafted on Oct 25th and taken away 2 hours later.
#Russia continues to launch long-range cruise missiles from 70-year old Tu-95 PROPELLER PLANES in total safety. Sending weapons to enable #Ukraine to defend itself by destroying them is considered 'escalatory.' What utter nonsense. Fascist pilot says "Good morning, Zelensky!" twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
#Russia: Putin's regime launching Kalibr cruise missiles from the safety of the Black Sea. #Ukraine must be armed with weapons that can destroy these war criminals murdering civilians.
At a time of great need for peace, met with my Russian and Ukrainian counterparts Lavrov & Kuleba in a tripartite format on the margins of @AntalyaDF. We sincerely hope that peace prevails in our region. We will continue our efforts for diplomacy between #Russia & #Ukraine.
Interviews on the streets of #Moscow: Question - Is the war in #Ukraine going according to Putin's plan? Answer - "Yes, if the plan was to destroy #Russia."
When expanding #NATO eastward five times to the vicinity of #Russia and deploying advanced offensive strategic weapons in breach of its assurances to Russia, did the #US ever think about the consequence of pushing a big country to the wall?
🚨 Russian media full of rumors #Apple and #Google (Android) will soon "brick" all devices inside #Russia. Likely info space preparation for probable #MartialLaw, rumored to start on Jan 9 with closure of RU borders. #Kremlin wants subjects to blame the "West" for their dystopia.
ロシアがウクライナに宣戦布告すると、安保理決議の投票権を失う。 “その他の全ての事項に関する安全保障理事会の決定は、常任理事国の同意投票を含む9理事国の賛成投票によって行われる。但し第6章及び第52条3に基く決定については、紛争当事国は投票を棄権しなければならない。” #Ukraine #Russia twitter.com/ks_1013/status…
#Russia: Preparations for the Feb 22nd concert & Putin regime rally at the Luzhniki Stadium in #Moscow. University students & government employees are being forced to attend, others are being promised 'free food' in exchange for attendance. Fascists using Google Forms to recruit.
#Russia's missiles in #Vinnytsia yesterday claimed the lives of this boy and his mother. They were killed in one of the city's medical centres, where they came for an appointment. R.I.P. Memory eternal. #RussiaIsATerroristState #StandWithUkraine #RussianWarCrimes
Russian Military's radio station UVB-76, also known as "the buzzer", has been Neutralised. We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget #UkraineWar #ukraine #Russia 🇺🇦. Mr Putin are you listening ?
🚨 BREAKING: Russian news report that #Toyota restarted exports of spare parts to #Russia. This is extremely troubling if true. Hopefully Toyota excludes dual-purpose electronics, but even if so, horrible message to send as Russia murders Ukrainians daily. iz.ru/1457201/evgeni… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
ピノの言葉。 【平和はきっと 隣の人となかよしになることから始まる】 ロシアとウクライナへ。 #ウクライナ #ロシア #戦争反対 #ピノ #アイス #国民総動員令 #ロシア国民 #内閣総理大臣 #プーチン大統領 #G7 #制裁 #反戦デモ #孤立無援 #ロシア各地 #国会中継 #露 #Russia #Ukraine
We have been silent for far too long ! #Russia / #Belarus Expect More. We are Legion ! We are United with Ukraine ! We are #anonymous We do not forgive ! We do not Forget ! FOLLOW US 🇺🇦
#Latvia's MP Rihards Kols told the Delegation from #Russia to go f#&k themselves in Russian, quoting Ukrainian defenders from #SnakeIsland: "Russian battleship, go f**k yourself!" at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vienna. People left as soon as Russians started to talk. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Overnight in #Iran, in addition to strikes on oil refineries, munitions manufacturers, and multiple military bases, extreme-precision strikes reportedly eliminated individual human targets. Iran has been supplying weapons and munitions to #Russia for use against #Ukraine.
While #Russia threats the world with nuclear strike and murders Ukrainian, #China continues cursing the US as the ONLY nation using nuclear weapon and question the US lab in Ukraine. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement