Learn more about #TravisJapan and their #HollywoodTJ hopes in an exclusive interview with @CNNIndonesia, including a video where they answer fan-submitted questions from Twitter! #Runtai ▼Read in Indonesian bit.ly/3Eh7h7w ▼Read in English bit.ly/3JIF0rg
Before heading off to Hollywood, #TravisJapan sat down with @CNNIndonesia for an in-depth exclusive about their American journey. Check back soon for the full interview! "Look forward to more surprises on #CNNIndonesia!" (Chaka) #Runtai #HollywoodTJ
@CNNIndonesia Don't miss a bonus video from #TravisJapan's #Runtai exclusive, where the guys discuss who they hope to collaborate with, member Noel's visit to Indonesia's own Toraja, and more! (日本語/Indonesian) cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/202204…