It’s a boy! 🤗 ヘンリー王子とメーガン妃に男の子が生まれました👶🇬🇧おめでとうございます🎉🎉🎉 #kimonosheila #kimono #fashionista #fashionover50 #RoyalBaby #RoyalBabyBoy #着物 #モダンアンテナ #ロイヤルベビー
サセックス公爵夫人のご懐妊が発表されました❗ご出産は2019年春の予定です。 おめでとうございます🎉🎊💕✨🇬🇧 #RoyalBaby twitter.com/KensingtonRoya…
Aunt Lucy says that a new arrival into any family always causes excitement and challenges. #RoyalBaby
How exciting. Mrs Bird has said we're going to have an extra special afternoon tea to celebrate with marmalade sandwiches, iced cake and a few cups of her lovely hot cocoa with cream. #RoyalBaby
RT to win a Team Great Britain hat and celebrate the birth of the #RoyalBaby
When I arrived in the same area of London as the #RoyalBaby will, it was very clear to the Browns what my name would be. I wonder if the Duke and Duchess have considered that?