It's good that #219a will soon be history. But yesterday also reminds us that there is still a long way to go for gender justice. In Germany - and in many other parts of the world. Women's rights are threatened. We must defend them resolutely. #RoeVsWade
Es ist gut, dass #219a bald Geschichte ist. Gleichzeitig erinnert uns der gestrige Tag: Es ist noch ein langer Weg bis zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Bei uns - und in vielen anderen Teilen der Welt. Frauenrechte sind bedroht. Wir müssen sie konsequent verteidigen. #RoeVsWade
US Supreme Court judge and rapist Clarence Thomas next wants to roll back rights for contraception, same-sex relationships, sodomy and oral sex. Fascism always comes for women first but it never stops there. #RoeVWade #RoeVsWadeOverturned #RoeVsWade time.com/6191044/claren…
Fascist state headed out to crush women's fight for human autonomy at the US Supreme Court #RoeVWade. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned
Protests at the US Supreme Court after they asserted state control over women's bodies and overturned #RoeVWade. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned
Cette décision est dramatique pour les femmes. Voilà ce qui arrive lorsque les pires conservatismes gangrènent les esprits. Aucun droit n'est jamais acquis, nous ne cesserons jamais de nous battre pour garantir la liberté de toutes les femmes à disposer de leurs corps. #RoeVsWade
信じられない… 米国最高裁が先程Roe v Wadeの判例を覆し、アメリカでは如何なる中絶も禁止することが合法になってしまいました… 半世紀の歩みが一瞬で消えました。 #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned bbc.com/japanese/61929…
トマス判事は同意意見の中で、 「避妊の自由」(Griswold判決) 「同性を愛する自由」(Lawrence判決) 「同性婚の自由」(Obergefell判決) も見直すべきだと書いている。 シスヘテ男性だけがその他の人びとを支配する「侍女の物語」がヒタヒタと近づいているかのようです。 #RoeVsWade
Elon Musk hates women and thinks they are born to be baby production slaves. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
🇺🇸 ' .. and now we enter a new phase, there is nothing hypothetical about this moment - let me be clear, this fight requires the work of @emilyslist .. Lets talk about a world without Roe looks like ' - @KamalaHarris #Midterms2022 #RoeVsWade
🛰️ It costs just over $160 to get a week's worth of data on where people who visited Planned Parenthood came from, and where they went afterwards - @josephfcox #RoeVsWade #SafeGraph vice.com/en/article/m7v…
Reproductive Freedom is a Civil Rights issue - @anidifranco #MidTerms2022 #RoeVsWade ♀️
But perjuring yourself to a Senate Judiciary committee is A-OK @SCOTUSblog ? Gorsuch: " settled law " Kavanaugh: " settled as precedent " Barrett: ' cases that are so well settled - no political actors, no people seriously push for their overruling ' #Section1621 #RoeVsWade twitter.com/SCOTUSblog/sta…
🇺🇸 All Elections Matter .. #Midterms2022 #RoeVsWade ♀️
【速報】アメリカの最高裁判所が、中絶を合法化した歴史的判決Roe v Wadeを覆すことを暫定的に決定したと、Politicoが入手した意見書の草案から報じた。事実ならば、からだの自己決定権という基本的な人権を女性から奪うことになる重大な転機となる。front-row.jp/_ct/17463650 #SCOTUS #RoeVsWade