Anonymous Sends Warning To US Supreme Court About Overturning Landmark Abortion Ruling #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned ladbible.com/news/latest-an…
Baby production slavery. US Supreme Court agrees to force women to produce "a domestic supply of adoptable infants". Psst: The flip side of that is they will next force people they don't want to reproduce to have abortions. #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned politicususa.com/2022/05/07/jus…
As the US prepares to force women to give birth, the baby formula needed by working mothers in the US is unavailable or insanely inflated by price gouging. #RoeVWade #RoeOverturned #RoeVWadeprotest aljazeera.com/economy/2022/5…
Elon Musk hates women and thinks they are born to be baby production slaves. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
信じられない… 米国最高裁が先程Roe v Wadeの判例を覆し、アメリカでは如何なる中絶も禁止することが合法になってしまいました… 半世紀の歩みが一瞬で消えました。 #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned bbc.com/japanese/61929…
Shot: Women's Privacy Rights Chaser(s): Birth Control, Same Sex Relationships, Due Process #ClarenceThomas #RoeOverturned #Dobbs
Protests at the US Supreme Court after they asserted state control over women's bodies and overturned #RoeVWade. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned
Fascist state headed out to crush women's fight for human autonomy at the US Supreme Court #RoeVWade. #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned
She's 10, forced to give birth after rape. This will destroy her body and her life but #RoeOverturned is not the only problem in the US. The US also has child 'marriage' (legalized child rape) laws that are some of the worst in the world. #OpDeathEaters twitter.com/GaviBegtrup/st…