Chris Redfield, @RE_Games 🖤 From past to present ✨ #residentevil #chrisredfield #ResidentEvilVillage I'm so ready for the new chapter! 🔥
Mother and her kids #ResidentEvilVillage
ハッシュタグをつけ忘れたので再掲! (Re-post) キャラクターデザイン、雰囲気、ストーリー全てが素晴らしい! #バイオヴィレッジ感想 #バイオハザード8 #ResidentEvilVillage #FANART #ドミトレスク  #LadyDimitrescu
I shouldn't love her as much as I do #REshowcase #ResidentEvilVillage #REVillage
1月31日は #愛妻の日 さぁ…愛する妻に感謝の気持ちを伝えましょう… Let's show your appreciation to your beloved partner. #バイオヴィレッジ #バイオハザード #REBHFun #ResidentEvilVillage #ResidentEvil
声を担当しているのが井上喜久子さんということで… ドミトレスク夫人と三姉妹に 「あれ」やって頂いた #ResidentEvilVillage #ドミトレスク17歳
Chris Redfield RE Village (Surprise❤️) What happened to Chris!? I prepared for You this new version of Chris Redfield straight from the upcoming RE8 Village ✨ Second Shot was inspired by the amazing Leto Perizito art #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvilVillage @RE_Games @CapcomEurope
Dimetrescu's Daughter: Don't you love me? Sakura: Uh...no? Why would you even think that? Dimetrescu's Daughter: The others were happy to see me! Sakura: That's nice, but you're probably not my type #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #ResidentEvilVillage
I just need to finish the background so please enjoy this for now 😭 #ResidentEvilVillage #LadyDimitrescu
筆ペンでドミトレスク夫人描きました‼︎ Mutated Dimitrescu drawn with a brush pen 🩸🩸 #バイオハザード #REBHFun #ResidentEvilVillage #ドミトレスク #Dimitrescu #drawing #絵描きさんと繋がたい
Sakura: My mom is coming home soon, I just want to save! ....*keeps running right into Lady Dimetrescu* You're picking on me, you're picking on me! 😭 (in a whiny kid voice) #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #ResidentEvilVillage
Larissa as Lady Dimitrescu! This is a breakthrough for me. I don’t usually cosplay like this. But I hope you guys will love it 🥺❤️ My ig ; instagram.com/larissarochefo… #larissarochefort #cosplay #LadyDimitrescu #AlcinaDimitrescu #ResidentEvilVillage #ResidentEvil
母の日なので ドミトレスク夫人と娘たち #ResidentEvilVillage
#ResidentEvilVillage 等一個海森伯格和他做的殭屍搞在一起的文學作品
可愛いお人形ちゃん!四貴族最推し #ResidentEvilVillage #バイオハザードヴィレッジ
Chris and.. Chris! Resident Evil 5 VS RE Village ❤️ Personally I'm so in love with the Muscular look of "young"Chris :D Anyway I'm also so curious about what happened to him in this new chapter! #ResidentEvilVillage #cosplay #ChrisRedfield @RE_Games
Sakura accidentally brought her Steam account onto the screen so now everyone is sending her friend requests 😅 Sakura: No wait, don't send me friend requests! #宮脇咲良 #미야와키사쿠라 #MiyawakiSakura #IZONE #HKT48 #ResidentEvilVillage