Ramadan Mubarak to all the British Muslims and Muslims around the world preparing for Islam’s holiest month of the year. #Ramadan #RamadanMubarak
A blessed #Ramadan from Barça to all those celebrating around the world! 🔵🔴 twitter.com/fcbarcelona_ar…
🇵🇸 What did you worry about when you were 10 years old? #GazaUnderAttack #Ramadan
Liebe Musliminnen und Muslime, zum Fastenmonat wünsche ich Ihnen eine besinnungsreiche Zeit und viel Freude im Kreise Ihrer Familien. #Ramadan Mubarak!
Happy #Ramadan to all those celebrating this month!
Happy #Ramadan to all Muslims across the globe. May your fasts be peaceful and powerful.
According to social media reports, the junta’s soldiers and police are targeting Muslim neighborhoods in Mandalay who were protecting the marching medical doctors, students and nurses. May Allah protect our Muslim friends who have shown so much courage during the holy #Ramadan.
Viele Musliminnen und Muslime sind in der Nacht zum ersten Sahur, der Mahlzeit vor dem Sonnenaufgang, aufgestanden. Zum heutigen Start des #Ramadan wünsche ich allen Gläubigen einen gesegneten Fastenmonat.
As this #Ramadan comes to an end, I wish an #EidMubarak to all our Muslim friends in #Taiwan & around the world. May you & your families enjoy good food & warm company.
I’m ready 😜 #Ramadan
Interfaith Unity in Mandalay Buddhist monks and SJA Catholic nuns visited Muslim fire victims in Mandalay. Jesus, Buddha and Prophet Muhammad all taught loving compassion. May the people of Myanmar be full of love, compassion and kindness in #Thingyan and the holy #Ramadan.
Happy #Ramadan
Happy #Ramadan Dear Friends and #SHIB Family.
ขอส่งความปรารถนาดีในพี่น้องชาวมุสลิมท้ังในไทยและทั่วโลกเนื่องในโอกาสเดือนรอมฎอนประจำฮิจเราะห์ศักราช 1443 ขอความสันติสุขจงมีแด่ทุกท่านครับ #Ramadan #RamadanMubarak
As the holy month of #Ramadan begins, we wish all those celebrating in Israel and around the world a blessed and safe holiday.
🇨🇦 Laporte - kisiskâciwanisîpiy / Saskatchewan .. happy #Ramadan
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri! Today we join together in celebrating #Eid - the end of #Ramadan - across Taiwan
The Commander of the IDF Southern Command, MG Eliezer Toledano, joined Bedouin soldiers and community leaders last night for an Iftar feast—the breaking of the daily #Ramadan fast. We wish all our Muslim soldiers Ramadan Kareem!
Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadan 🌙 Ramadan Mubarak and happy fasting! 🖤 #Ramadan
To Muslim friends in #Taiwan & around the world, may you have a blessed & peaceful #Ramadan! Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa Ramadan 1439 H! #RamadanMubarak!
Selamat menyambut bulan #Ramadan kepada semua umat Islam. Jom baca bersama sama niat berpuasa harian. Share-lah dengan yang lain juga! ⭐️ Wishing everyone an awesome #RamadanMubarak ⭐️ Let's share this Dua (Prayer) at the beginning of the fast for everyone! -- #Mechamato #Monsta
今日からラマダン☪️ #Ramadan #Dubai twitter.com/cristiano/stat…
أحَدُ عُلماءِ السُّنة مِنَ المَملكة العربيَّة السُّعودِيَّة يتَقدَّمُ للبَيعة بالحَقِّ .. الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني 09 - ذو القعدة - 1431 هـ 17 - 10 - 2010 مـ 05:13 صباحًا mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #طاش_ما_طاش #مبارك_عليكم_الشهر #رمضان_كريم #محمد_بن_سلمان #Ramadan #يوم_الجمعة
مِن خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه إلى أهْل اليمَن خاصَّة والعالَم عامَّة؛ قاداتهم وأحزابهم وشعوبهم أجمعين، اسمعوا واعقلوا هذا الأمْر من الله رَبِّ العالَمين أن أُلقيه كما يلي: (اِرتَضوا بِمَن اِختَاره الله). انتهى. #طاش_ما_طاش #Ramadan ##طاش_ما_طاش_الشهر
بارَك الله لَكُم شَهْر رمضان وكافَّة أيَّام الزَّمان، فلا تَعبُدوا رمضان واعُبدوا الرَّحمن في كُلِّ زَمَان ومَكان؛ وأوصاني بالصَّلاةِ والزَّكاةِ ما دُمتُ حَيا .. 30 - شعبان - 1444 هـ mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #Ramadan #مبارك_عليكم_الشهر #كل_عام_وانتم_بخير #اول_يوم_رمضان #طاش_العوده