#Peru: Ousting of President Vizcarra threatens rule of law. Vizcarra had pushed forward various anti-corruption initiatives that affected members of Congress, some of which are under criminal investigation, including on organized crime charges. Report: hrw.org/news/2020/11/1…
#Peru: Thousands of protesters gathered in downtown #Lima to march towards Congress in protest against the swearing in of its head, Manuel #Merino, whom protesters describe as a coup plotter and usurper. Police respond with water cannons and batons. More: twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…
#Peru: Hundreds of protestors, bystanders, and 26 journalists injured by police. People gathered in Lima to protest the ouster of the President. In this scene, police yell "kill him" as they shoot a shotgun at fleeing protestors. (📹@claudiacisneros)
29 キャンペーン
/ フォロー&RTで 2組4名に【豪華ペルー旅行】✈︎✨ 70名に #特製バッグ #プレゼント 🎉 \ #応募 は 1 @VisitPeruJP をフォロー 2 このツイートをRT(2020.11.11迄) 意外!日本にもペルーがあった!? #日本のペルー #キャンペーン bit.ly/3hiGvze #意外性大国ペルー #旅 #懸賞 #Peru
#Peru’s interim president Manuel Merino resigns amidst Anonymous cyber protests and massive nonviolent street protests met with violent police repression that saw several protestors dead and/or severely injured in Lima. #OpPeru #PeruDesperto Report: channelstv.com/2020/11/15/per…
マンコが途中出場から6分後に乱闘の中心に食い込みイエローカードをもらう事態に。 ▼記事はこちら cartaovermelho.com/2022/04/19/202… このときの様子を、地元メディアは「手に負えなくなったマンコ」という見出しで報じました。 マンコは短気、短気は損気。 #soccer #futbol #Peru #ペルー #Liga2
#Peru: Congress has appointed Francisco Sagasti Hochhausler as the new interim President. He's an Industrial engineer, investigator, and author. He has no open criminal lawsuits against him and his party, #PartidoMorado, voted against the ouster of Vizcarra.
Lake Titicaca, in #Andes between #Peru and #Bolivia, the world’s highest navigable body of water, birthplace of the #Incas. 標高3800m、#富士山 より高いところにある #チチカカ湖
#Peru: Journalist Alonso Balbuena (@alonso_balbuena), from @Ojo_Publico, severely wounded by a tear gas bomb shot by the police during protests in downtown Lima. They refused to help. At least 26 journalists injured. (📸 Walter Hupiu) Report: ojo-publico.com/2237/policia-h…
“I wanted to step out of my comfort zone…” We spoke to @fireboydml about his viral single #Peru and the #PeruRemix with @edsheeran 🖤 Catch our Behind The Song interview now.
#Peru #Nazca #Cusco #MAchuPichu #HTV9 #ペルー 沿岸を飛ぶ #HTV 9号機のパレット。
#MachuPichu is always hard to find under clouds. #Peru #worldheritage #世界遺産 #ペルー #マチュピチュ 空中都市、雲間から少しだけ姿を見せています。
Ülkemizdeki görev süresini tamamlayan #Peru'nun Ankara Büyükelçisi Luis Alberto Campana’ya ilişkilerimize katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ediyorum. Thanked Ambassador Luis Alberto Campana of Peru at the end of his term for his contributions to our relations.🇹🇷🇵🇪
#Peru: Congress ousted President Martín Vizcarra in an abrupt impeachment vote over unproven corruption allegations, In 2019 Vizcarra threatened to dissolve Congress unless anti-graft reforms were passed. Report: reut.rs/2U8iGjI
#Santa is flying towards #Peru, home of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains above the Urubamba River valley. It was built in the 15th century and later abandoned. #NORADTracksSanta
Thousands of women, men, and children living in 11 communities in #Peru have tested positive for high levels of metals and toxic substances, courtesy of #Glencore mining corporations pollution. Subscribe ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=zhhNiF…
Protestors outside the Congress in Lima, #Peru, as a committee is set to determine a new interim president following the resignation of Merino. Some of the demands are the return of the ousted President & justice for injured/killed protestors #OpPeru pscp.tv/w/1MYxNmrPaevJw
Latin America has an out of control police brutality problem. Abuses are not the result of a few bad apples, but of structural deficiencies. 📝hrw.org/news/2020/11/1… #Brazil #Mexico #Chile #Peru #Colombia #Bolivia #Ecuador #Haiti #Argentina #Honduras #ELSalvador #Venezuela
🇳🇬 x 🇬🇧 = 🔥 @fireboydml’s highly anticipated #Peru just dropped ft non other than @edsheeran! dzr.lnk.to/FBESPeruTW
#Peru: A man knocked out congressman Ricardo Burga (@ricardoburgaap) after Congress voted out the President over alleged corruption. The man has been identified as Carlos Ezeta Gómez; faces up to 6 years in prison. Report: larepublica.pe/politica/2020/…