As the election in Sweden is getting closer, we need you. On the 2nd and 9th of September we will send a message to those in power that we will not be silenced! Only voting is not enough - we must raise our voices to demand change. See you there! #RöstFörRättvisa #PeopleNotProfit
... which means girls' futures are lost and so is their immense potential to innovate sustainable solutions. #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #EducateGirlsForClimateJustice #RiseUpMovement #FridaysForFuture #RöstFörRättvisa #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike 7/7
School strike week 198. Thousands are marching on the streets of Stockholm to demand climate justice! #RöstFörRättvisa #PeopleNotProfit #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
School strike week 197. Only one week left until the big climate strike in Stockholm! See you at 13.00 on Odenplan! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit #SchoolStrike4Climate #RöstFörRättvisa
School strike week 192. This is not a “happy earth day”. It never has been. #EarthDay has turned into an opportunity for people in power to post their “love” for the planet, while at the same time destroying it at maximum speed. #PeopleNotProfit #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
Wow! The numbers are in from the global #ClimateStrike last week - over 500 000 people from 93 countries on all continents (including Antarctica) joined us and demanded world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit We are not going anywhere. #FridaysForFuture
School strike week 188. Thousands of people showed up to the climate strike in Stockholm! #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike
Tomorrow is the day! All over the planet people will strike, march and protest to demand world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit More info can be found at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ Where will you be joining from? #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
"Russian and Ukrainian environmental activists have made a joint call for a European embargo on Russian oil, gas and coal" #PeopleNotProfit theguardian.com/environment/20…
Read more about our #PeopleNotProfit narrative here: fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ Find your local strike on this map: fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/map/ Don't forget to look up your local FFF group for information and give them a follow! Register your own strike here: fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/reg…
The next global #ClimateStrike is getting closer! This Friday, March 25th, we will take it to the streets again to protest for justice - for our present and our future. Here is some information to get you started! 🧵 #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit (Design by @namevdelang )
School strike week 187. Next Friday is the global climate strike, find your local protest or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
25 mars strejkar vi för klimatet igen! I Stockholm ses vi 12.30 på Mynttorget och går mot Tantolunden under parollerna #PeopleNotProfit och #RöstFörRättvisa Sprid ordet! March 25th is the next global climate strike! In Stockholm we meet at Mynttorget 12.30. Spread the word!
"Global energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide rose to their highest ever level last year" Surprise surprise - it turns out beautiful words and empty promises do not actually lower emissions... We are now at an all-time high. #PeopleNotProfit reuters.com/business/energ…
“The facts are undeniable. This abdication of leadership is criminal. The world's biggest polluters are guilty of arson on our only home." - @antonioguterres on the new #IPCC report being released today. “Delay means death”. #PeopleNotProfit twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status…