We can now announce that the next global climate strike will be on March 25th! Join us and strike for climate reparations and justice, demand that the people in power prioritise #PeopleNotProfit ! Find out more at fridaysforfuture.org/March25 @Fridays4future #FridaysForFuture
The EU taxonomy today takes greenwashing to a completely new level. The people in power do not even pretend to care anymore. Now they are moving into unchartered greenwash territory. #PeopleNotProfit
📢署名にご協力ください📢 住友商事とJICAに、バングラデシュのマタバリ石炭火力発電事業からの撤退を求める署名を開始しました! グローバル・サウスのオーガナイザーたちと一緒に開始したキャンペーンの第一弾です。 ぜひご協力ください! #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit
School strike week 181 in Jokkmokk to protest against the proposed mine in Gállok. This mine would be devastating for climate, environment and indigenous rights. Sweden must end the colonisation of Sápmi! #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit #NoMineInGállok #StandWithSápmi
The time for false, neo-colonial climate “solutions” is over. The Swedish government must end the colonisation of Sápmi and the exploitation of people and nature. Sign this petition to show your support: mittskifte.org/petitions/stop… #NoMineInGállok #StandWithSápmi #PeopleNotProfit 4/4
"Europe’s biggest banks/.../provided £24bn to oil and gas companies that are expanding production less than a year since pledging to target net zero carbon emissions" Episode 2387349 of "Giving up on your targets long before even trying". #PeopleNotProfit theguardian.com/business/2022/…
“The facts are undeniable. This abdication of leadership is criminal. The world's biggest polluters are guilty of arson on our only home." - @antonioguterres on the new #IPCC report being released today. “Delay means death”. #PeopleNotProfit twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status…
"Global energy-related emissions of carbon dioxide rose to their highest ever level last year" Surprise surprise - it turns out beautiful words and empty promises do not actually lower emissions... We are now at an all-time high. #PeopleNotProfit reuters.com/business/energ…
25 mars strejkar vi för klimatet igen! I Stockholm ses vi 12.30 på Mynttorget och går mot Tantolunden under parollerna #PeopleNotProfit och #RöstFörRättvisa Sprid ordet! March 25th is the next global climate strike! In Stockholm we meet at Mynttorget 12.30. Spread the word!
School strike week 187. Next Friday is the global climate strike, find your local protest or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
The next global #ClimateStrike is getting closer! This Friday, March 25th, we will take it to the streets again to protest for justice - for our present and our future. Here is some information to get you started! 🧵 #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit (Design by @namevdelang )
Read more about our #PeopleNotProfit narrative here: fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ Find your local strike on this map: fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/map/ Don't forget to look up your local FFF group for information and give them a follow! Register your own strike here: fridaysforfuture.org/action-map/reg…
"Russian and Ukrainian environmental activists have made a joint call for a European embargo on Russian oil, gas and coal" #PeopleNotProfit theguardian.com/environment/20…
Tomorrow is the day! All over the planet people will strike, march and protest to demand world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit More info can be found at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ Where will you be joining from? #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
School strike week 188. Thousands of people showed up to the climate strike in Stockholm! #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike
Wow! The numbers are in from the global #ClimateStrike last week - over 500 000 people from 93 countries on all continents (including Antarctica) joined us and demanded world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit We are not going anywhere. #FridaysForFuture
School strike week 192. This is not a “happy earth day”. It never has been. #EarthDay has turned into an opportunity for people in power to post their “love” for the planet, while at the same time destroying it at maximum speed. #PeopleNotProfit #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike