Won't be over anytime soon. See how journalists in the #Pacific were treated, or mistreated. But they've messed with the wrong guy this time—#Israel. JW ▶️READ bit.ly/ChinaCrackDown twitter.com/yaakovkatz/sta…
More people in the region and around the world are coming to the realization that the #US is trying to create an #Asia-#Pacific version of #NATO.
Awesome photos of #Earth through the lens of #taikonauts on #Tiangong space station! The #Pacific Ocean.
Minister Wu gave a wide-ranging interview to The @australian🇦🇺. Highlights included #Taiwan's🇹🇼 experiences defending freedom & democracy from #China's authoritarianism, & the #TaiwanModel of cooperation deepening ties with the country's #Pacific allies. ▶️bit.ly/3woWpQ4
All the best to #Palau🇵🇼 President Whipps & the first lady for the trip to #Taiwan🇹🇼. The government & people eagerly await the delegation's arrival, & look forward to hosting the country's very good friends from the Western #Pacific in #TrueTaiwan style. Safe travels!
#太平洋#大西洋 を繋ぐ #パナマ運河 で有名な#パナマ #Panama canal connects #Pacific and #Atlantic Ocean
During my #OceansOfDemocracy Presidential Visit, I saw time & time again #Taiwan’s strong partnerships with three of its #Pacific allies: #Palau, #Nauru, & the #MarshallIslands. Here is a video of the three presidents greeting the people of Taiwan!
#NORAD is tracking #Santa over the #Pacific Ocean heading toward #Hawaii! Mele Kalikimaka! #HappyHolidays