1 in 5 displaced women and girls have experienced sexual violence. During the #16Days of Activism, join us and @Refugees in speaking up for more resources and funding to keep forcibly displaced women and girls safe. #OrangeTheWorld #WithRefugees
Lesbian, bisexual and trans women and gender diverse people do not need to be “cured”. We demand an end to all sexual violence against the #LGBTIQ+ community. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
We are live to #OrangeTheWorld & discuss how to end violence against women & girls. Thank you to everyone who sent in their question! Our speakers are: 🧡 @kalliopiunwomen 🧡 @MelissaFleming Chief of @UN Global Communications #16Days unwo.men/m82Y50H49JS
女性に対する暴力撤廃国際デーである11月25日から世界人権デーの12月10日まで、16日間に渡ってジェンダーに基づく暴力撤廃に向けたグローバルキャンペーンが行われます。25日を中心にスタンディングなどでアピール、SNSで発信しましょう‼@unwomenjapan #世界をオレンジ色に #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Believe survivors. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
For the #16Days of Activism, our friend @justinbaldoni asked UN Women experts how men and boys can help prevent and end gender-based violence. #OrangeTheWorld
TW 🧡 Wondering what defines rape culture and how you can help stop it? Our @unwomenasia Ambassador, @cindysirinya asks a UN Women expert. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Enthusiastic. Given freely. Informed. Specific. Reversible. Here’s everything you need to know about consent. #OrangeTheWorld unwo.men/M4Be50GXvhP
We’ve been advised to stay home to be safe from #COVID19, but what if home is where she feels unsafe? Domestic violence has surged during the pandemic, but we can all help survivors get the support they need. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
今日は「女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー」です。今日から16日間、建物をオレンジ色にライトアップするなど、女性に対する暴力に目に見える形で反対し、テーマをタブー視しないよう呼びかける活動が展開されます 。オレンジ色は暴力のない、明るい未来を象徴する色とされています。#OrangeTheWorld
🎬 Join us as we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women! Let's #OrangeTheWorld, stand together and kick off the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
There are many global policies in place to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. Learn about some of them with @SofiaCarson. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
We need more resources and funding to keep forcibly displaced women and girls safe. Join us in speaking up to end gender-based violence! #OrangeTheWorld #16Days via @Refugees
This #16Days of Activism, hear the voices of survivors, and learn about the transformative programmes that make a real difference to end gender-based violence. Start to #OrangeTheWorld here: unwo.men/7u7V50GXvbV
Thanks to all who helped us #OrangeTheWorld during #16Days of Activism for a brighter future without violence! Let's keep up the momentum and continue to #StandUp4HumanRights every day. Join us: unwo.men/7nXA50H77Pm
Learn to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, and how you can find help for yourself or someone you care about: unwo.men/M8La50GXvmC #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Despite all, the people of Iran still rise. "Everyone has a responsibility to act against gender-based violence and oppression, wherever and whenever we witness it." - Mana Shooshtari, Iranian-American feminist activist speaking at @SayNO_UNiTE event #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
У посети једној од Сигурних кућа у Београду. Насиље је тема целог друштва, не само оних који га доживљавају. Заједно морамо да радимо и помогнемо угроженима, да јачамо солидарност и емпатију у друштву. #HearMeToo #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
“Lessons on sexual education and consent must be delivered in schools. I didn’t understand what happened to me..." Let's listen, believe and support survivors of violence. This is Milena's story: unwo.men/cbnB50GTTjh #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
For the #16Days of Activism, our friend Navya Naveli Nanda asked our experts some FAQs about ending gender-based violence. 👇 Watch to learn about how you can help end gender-based violence. #OrangeTheWorld
The #16Days of Activism ends today, but we can turn it into 365 days of action! Here’s some advice from activists on everyday actions for everyone to help end violence against women: unwo.men/FoFW50H77jH #OrangeTheWorld #StandUp4HumanRights
SAVE THE DATE 🧡🌎 Join us for the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let's kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld! 📌 24 November ⏰ 10:00 am EST ✔️Register: unwo.men/RJgn50GEI9o
🏠Shelters ☎️Hotlines 🥼Counseling With survivor-centred essential services across policing, justice, health, and social sectors, and with sufficient financing for the women’s rights agenda, we can end gender-based violence. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Less than 1 in 10 women who seek help after experiencing violence turn to the police. We are committed to advancing work on gender-responsive policing globally, ensuring all officers are professionally trained to support the communities they protect. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld