У посети једној од Сигурних кућа у Београду. Насиље је тема целог друштва, не само оних који га доживљавају. Заједно морамо да радимо и помогнемо угроженима, да јачамо солидарност и емпатију у друштву. #HearMeToo #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
11月25日は「女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー」です。 今日、世界は暴力のない明るい未来を象徴するオレンジ色に染まり、私たち全員が女性や女児に対するあらゆる暴力や差別と戦う決意を示します。 #OrangeTheWorld @UN_Women
今日は #女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー 「いつであれどこであれ、暴力で脅されたり暴力をふるわれたりしている女の子や女性を決して見て見ぬふりをしてはならないのです。」- アンゲラ・メルケル 詳細はインスタの最新投稿へ▷t1p.de/bwo5 #OrangeTheWorld #GenerationEquality
SAVE THE DATE 🧡🌎 Join us for the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let's kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld! 📌 24 November ⏰ 10:00 am EST ✔️Register: unwo.men/3uXk50GEHU8
SAVE THE DATE 🧡🌎 Join us for the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let's kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld! 📌 24 November ⏰ 10:00 am EST ✔️Register: unwo.men/2WXb50GEI3p
The #16Days of Activism kicks off on 25 November, International Day to End Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day. Change your cover photo to orange 🧡 to show that you stand against gender-based violence. Let’s #OrangeTheWorld! 👇Use this banner👇
女性に対する暴力撤廃国際デーである11月25日から世界人権デーの12月10日まで、16日間に渡ってジェンダーに基づく暴力撤廃に向けたグローバルキャンペーンが行われます。25日を中心にスタンディングなどでアピール、SNSで発信しましょう‼@unwomenjapan #世界をオレンジ色に #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Happy #InternationalMensDay to all the male allies around the world who support women, fight gender-based violence and stand against rape culture! #OrangeTheWorld
SAVE THE DATE 🧡🌎 Join us for the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let's kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld! 📌 24 November ⏰ 10:00 am EST ✔️Register: unwo.men/RJgn50GEI9o
Are you ready to #OrangeTheWorld during the #16Days of Activism and stand united against gender-based violence? Here's all the info you need: unwo.men/hAAY50GTU3o
Show the world that you stand against gender-based violence during the #16Days of Activism! 1. Write your message of solidarity 2. Click on GIF search 3. Search for #OrangeTheWorld 4. Select the GIF you like from @GIPHY 5. Tweet and tag @UN_Women! unwo.men/AKrs50GTUve
“Lessons on sexual education and consent must be delivered in schools. I didn’t understand what happened to me..." Let's listen, believe and support survivors of violence. This is Milena's story: unwo.men/cbnB50GTTjh #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
No more violence, no more discrimination, no more stigma. Together, let’s put an end to violence against women. Join the #Give25forUNTF25 challenge: unwo.men/IL2W50GTUBV #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
Listen to survivors' voices. Believe their testimonies. Amplify their stories. Ending violence against women starts with all of us. This is Goretti's story: unwo.men/CX6G50GTTWN #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Are you ready to #OrangeTheWorld during the #16Days of Activism and stand united against gender-based violence? Here's all the info you need: unwo.men/hhNs50GTU17
STARTING SOON 🧡🌎 Join us for the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Let's kick off the #16Days of Activism, stand together against gender-based violence and #OrangeTheWorld! ⏰10:00 am EST
🎬 Join us as we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women! Let's #OrangeTheWorld, stand together and kick off the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
At the United Nations official commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Secretary-General @antonioguterres reiterated that violence against women is not inevitable and we can all take action to end it. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
"Our experience has shown us that violence against women and girls is preventable." - @unwomenchief Sima Bahous at today's commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. #16Days #OrangeTheWorld
家庭内暴力などにより逃げ場を失った女性のため🇩🇪では「Frauenhaus(女性の家)」と呼ばれる施設があります。 女性や子どもを連れた女性のための駆け込み寺として全国で約370ヶ所設置されていますが、それでも需要は上回っているとして増設が求められています。 #世界をオレンジ色に #OrangeTheWorld
Time to support and empower survivors. Time to spark a global conversation. Time to #OrangeTheWorld to end violence against women, now! Join the #16Days of Activism: unwo.men/3nBt50GVqML
Dear survivors of violence who are bravely speaking out: We hear you. We see you. We believe you. You’re not alone.🧡 #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
Since the outbreak of #COVID19, there has been a spike in reports of violence against women. #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an opportunity to make a difference for the better. Every one of us has a role to play. #OrangeTheWorld
25 November is the International Day to End Violence against Women & the world 🌎 is turning orange 🧡 to stand against gender-based violence. Let’s kick off the #16Days of Activism and #OrangeTheWorld!