#Anonymous has hacked 400+ #Russian cameras and is overlaying text in support of #Ukraine #OpRussia #UkraineRussianWar #Yac
We call on all Hackers around the world in the name of #Anonymous to attack #Russia ! we are at war ! #Putin @KremlinRussia_E we gave you fair warning ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! your constant lies are your failure ! #Anonymous We are here ! #OpRussia
“¯\_(ツ)_/¯“ Russian Government Website - Center for the Protection of Monuments. #Hacked #XSSmemorials.tomsk.ru/news/2012/10/0… ►memorials.tomsk.ru/search/?search#OpRussia #Anonymous
Today, Anonymous leaked over 800GB of data belonging to Роскомнадзор / Roskomnadzor, the Russian agency responsible for monitoring, controlling and censoring Russian mass media. #OpRussia twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
#Anonymous #OpRussia "We, as activists, will not sit idle as Russian forces kill and murder innocent people trying to defend their homeland." youtu.be/kcb2yudJ29c
Russian sites under attack [Tango Down] Moscow FSB Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation #Anonymous #OpRussia
📷 Ohai Belarus - Anonymous 🇧🇾 #OpRussia #SlavaUkraini 🌻 twitter.com/Anonymous_Link…
¯\(ツ) ⁄ ¯ #OpRussia #Anonymous 🪆 🇺🇦 twitter.com/joetidy/status…
#Anonymous will continue our assault on Russian government systems until they leave Ukraine. #OpRussia
#Anonymous Takes Anti-Putin Battle To Russian People With Printer Attack To Disrupt Kremlin's Propaganda #OpRussia ibtimes.com/anonymous-take…
🇫🇷 Nous avons trouvé des actifs russes d'une valeur de plus de 17 milliards de dollars dans le monde. Manoirs, châteaux, yachts, avions privés, appartements à Londres et à Paris, etc. Vous pouvez trouver tout cela ici: cdn.occrp.org/projects/russi… #OpRussia #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦 twitter.com/CatharinaFelke…
Western companies still in Russia should leave immediately. You are fueling the Russian war machine and helping to kill innocent children. The blood money you make from Russia will always stain your hands. #Anonymous #OpRussia
Ukrainian ATM HACKED - If you select Russian as the language, this is the message displayed: #OpRussia
Russian Central Bank hack is confirmed and will be released soon via DDoSecrets[.]com #OpRussia #Anonymous
Long before Anon, Occupy, AntiFa, BDS and BLM - @StanleyCohenLaw .. You got time for just one thing this week about Putin's war on Ukraine? Make it this #OpRussia #FCKPTN twitter.com/StanleyCohenLa…
Despite Twitter censoring various activists because of data leaks, #Anonymous will be vigilant in our continuation of smashing Russian government servers until Russian troops leave Ukraine. #OpRussia youtu.be/kcb2yudJ29c
#Anonymous Network Battalion 65 (@xxNB65) is dropping 870GB worth of leaks from VGTRK (All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) and will be releasing it under DDoSecrets[.]com #OpRussia twitter.com/xxNB65/status/…
#Anonymous has been busy, today hackers released 140,000 emails from Russian firm MashOil, which designs, manufactures and maintains drilling, mining and fracking equipment The hacks will continue until Russia stops their aggression. Expect us #OpRussia twitter.com/NatSecGeek/sta…
Fuck Putin #Anonymous #OpRussia The cyberwar against Russia will continue until Putin ceases all hostilities on the people of Ukraine!
WARNING: Quoted tweet has graphic content. The city of Bucha's streets are littered with dead innocent people killed by Russians. #Anonymous will continue #OpRussia until Putin and his war criminals are brought to justice! #SlavaUkraini twitter.com/DefenceU/statu…
1/2 #OpRussia ! We call upon the global #Anonymous collective for another almighty attack on #russia - the atrocities in #Bucha cannot go unpunished ! Dear Vladimir Putin do you expect this to go unpunished? We think NOT ! Expect Us !
🇬🇧 ' It is no secret that Anonymous is standing strong with Ukraine over the ongoing conflict between the two countries. The [ collectives have ] so far targeted both the government and the private sector to spread its message ' - @HackRead #OpRussia #VGTRK twitter.com/HackRead/statu…