Looking perfectly at home in their Heian-era court robes, Ken Miyake and Shota Hayashi await the curtain call for their new stage play #Onmyoji! Said Hayashi: "I got my start looking up to #V6, so to perform next to my senpai like this is a dream come true!" #JohnnysUpClose
Ken Miyake joined the cast of his new stage play #Onmyoji at a special press junket to kick off production for the show, which comes to the Shinbashi Enbujo Feb 22! Set in Heian-era Japan, Miyake plays the dark and mysterious sorcerer Abe no Seimei. #JohnnysUpClose
匣中少女 #百闻牌 #Onmyoji
#Mitsukiri #Onmyoji #光切 并肩作战!
Maybe he'd be less sad if he just came home 😒 #Taishakuten #Onmyoji #帝释天 #陰陽師