البيان رقم ١١ من سِلسِلة بيانات فَيروس كورونا وسِرّه المَكنون .. فيروس كورونا وإعلان معجزة الشفاء من غير لقاحٍ ولا دواء .. #COVID19 #Omicron COVID-19 Trump Biden الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني 24 - ربيع الآخر - 1442 هـ 09 - 12 - 2020 مـ 09:01 صباحاً ( بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأمّ… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Fabrication_Scandal_in_KSA #English Statement No. 60 of The Series of Clarifications about Corona Virus and its Well-Concealed Secret. Intense Onslaught by the Command of the Almighty the Praiseworthy.. #COVID19 #Omicron #PoliticsLive #SoccerAid #Berlusconi (Parliament Monday… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#COVID19 COVID-19 #Omic#COVID19h verkünde#Omicrongnern, die die Wahrheit über die aufrichtigen Anhänger Allahs verleugnen, dass sie das erhalten werden, was ich ihnen versprochen habe, nämlich schwere Qualen von Covid . Im Einklang mit dem Wort Allahs, des… https://t.co/BfAcTciD4U
BREAKING🔔 The 15th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out @biorxivpreprint. We illuminated the virological characteristics of one of the latest SARS-CoV-2 lineages of concern, XBB, which was generated by recombination of two #Omicron subvariants. Please RT. 1/ biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
BREAKING🔔 The 14th paper from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at Cell Host & Microbe @cellhostmicrobe. #Omicron BA.2.75 (aka #Centaurus) seems to be more contagious than BA.5 and more pathogenic than the original BA.2. Please RT. 1/16 cell.com/cell-host-micr…
BREAKING🔔 The 10th paper from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at Cell @CellCellPress . #Omicron BA.5 variant is more contagious and pathogenic than BA.2 variant. Please RT. 1/8 cell.com/cell/fulltext/…
BREAKING🔔 The 13th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out @biorxivpreprint. #Omicron BA.2.75 (aka #Centaurus) seems to be more contagious than BA.5 and more pathogenic than the original BA.2. Please RT. 1/7 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
BREAKING🔔 The 11th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at @biorxivpreprint. We evaluated the effects of 10 therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against new #Omicron subvariant BA.2.75. Please RT. 1/11 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
BREAKING🔔 The 10th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at @biorxivpreprint. #Omicron BA.4 & BA.5 variants seem to be more contagious and pathogenic than BA.2 variant. Please RT. 1/7 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Indeed, you will know that we surely are truthful, and every stubborn opposer was disappointed Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 03 - 01 - 2021 AD #AGlobalTsunamiLikeVirus #تحذير_كسوف_السماء_يوما_ما #COVID19 #Omicron #Shanghai omicron XE COVID-19
From The Caliph And Servant Of Allah, The Mahdi, To The Enemy Of Allah Emmanuel Macron and To Whoever Is Of His Like In The World.. Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 24 - 10 - 2020 AD mahdialumma.net/showthread.php… #Omicron_is_a_global_calamity #COVID19 #Omicron Macron Palestine COVID-19
Pour suivre le lien de la participation originale du communiqué Al-Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani 17 - Dho Al-Qiïda - 1441e 08 - 07 - 2020 mahdialumma.net/showthread.php… #coronavirus #COVID19 #Omicron Palestine Al Aqsa #فيروس_تسونامي_العالمي
A Video of an audio statement in Arabic titled: A Challenge From Allaah's Caliph; Al-Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 06-Sha'ban-1443AH 09-March-2022 AD 08:41 AM fb.watch/bGSF1S5wNT/ #A_Challenge_From_Imam_Mahdi #COVID19 #Omicron
BREAKING🔔 The 7th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out @biorxivpreprint. #Omicron BA.2 variant seems to be more contagious and pathogenic than BA.1 variant. Please RT. 1/5 biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
Today Mass Maharaja @RaviTeja_offl's #Khiladi Movie Is Releasing, First Big Movie From Tollywood After #Omicron Wave. Wishing For A Huge Success On Behalf Of #ManOfMassesNTR @tarak9999 Fans ❤️
⚕ 500 000 MORTS ! Voici 3 mois, @leJDD affolait les Français : selon #OMS,le variant #Omicron pourrait faire 500.000 morts rien qu'en Europe. ⚠️Affoler la population pour lui faire accepter des mesures liberticides ⚠️Désigner des boucs-émissaires ☑ sont des procédés fascistes. twitter.com/quatremer/stat…
Selon Jerusalem Post, plus transparent que la presse française sur le sujet,le grand laboratoire pharmaceutique🇯🇵Kowa,dans une étude conjointe avec l'université Kitasato Tokyo,vient de montrer que #ivermectine a un «effet antiviral» efficace contre #Omicron et variants #Covid_19
— Milhouse ¿te preocupa la variante #Omicron? — ¿Qué? Me preocupa más que me toque el niño en la rosca. ¿Viste que te hacen pagar los tamales hasta que tu cartera hace "¡ay, ay, ay!", y que también te piden atole?
No #Tollywood biggie for this #Sankranti 💔💔💔 Damn you, #Omicron
BREAKING🎄 The 6th preprint from G2P-Japan - #Omicron is less infectious and pathogenic than #Delta and even an early pandemic SARS-CoV-2 in infected hamster model. 1/5
#オミクロン株 空港検疫での確認事例について】 海外から空港に到着した乗客より採取した検体から新たな変異株オミクロン株が確認されました。当該入国者は現在、医療機関において隔離を行っています。諸外国の感染状況を注視しながら機動的な感染拡大防止対策に努めてまいります。 #B11529 #Omicron
#WHO might have avoided #XiVirus, however, the Cantonese way of saying #Omicron is "I eliminate Communism." (我滅共)。