Russian soldiers post heinous videos cutting Ukrainian POW genitalia off. Then videos surface of charred prisoners (40+ killed) after Russia bombs a POW camp in #Olenivka to cover up their tortures. What more do we need to see? @POTUS send #Ukraine️ ALL weapons they need #Bucha
russia’s shelling of the prison in #Olenivka is Ukraine’s Katyn. The torture and killing of 🇺🇦 prisoners of war is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. russia is an intransigent terrorist state that must be defeated on the battlefield.
Let's elevate #Olenivka to the top story in the world @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @MSNBC twitter.com/jakluge/status…
WTF? Steven Seagal is in Ukraine, but in illegal Russian occupied areas? in #Olenivka where Russians massacred Ukrainian POWs in their care? Is he going to become the next "Hanoi Jane"? FYI, Putin gave him Russian citizenship in 2016. 🤬 twitter.com/OAlexanderDK/s…