WTF? Steven Seagal is in Ukraine, but in illegal Russian occupied areas? in #Olenivka where Russians massacred Ukrainian POWs in their care? Is he going to become the next "Hanoi Jane"? FYI, Putin gave him Russian citizenship in 2016. 🤬 twitter.com/OAlexanderDK/s…
Let's elevate #Olenivka to the top story in the world @nytimes @CNN @BBCWorld @MSNBC twitter.com/jakluge/status…
russia’s shelling of the prison in #Olenivka is Ukraine’s Katyn. The torture and killing of 🇺🇦 prisoners of war is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. russia is an intransigent terrorist state that must be defeated on the battlefield.
Russian soldiers post heinous videos cutting Ukrainian POW genitalia off. Then videos surface of charred prisoners (40+ killed) after Russia bombs a POW camp in #Olenivka to cover up their tortures. What more do we need to see? @POTUS send #Ukraine️ ALL weapons they need #Bucha