🪄:Ive been trying to hit to🦁for centuries now 🐑:U mean hit on him? If u hit that, that means u smack something. Hitting on is chatting up 🪄:I want the former, not the latter. Spanking, domestic violence 🦁:Oh pog! …Unpog! Unpog! #Ukilipse #millieseconds #lucalive #OVideos
#OVideos #Fukuma #Lambros 👹🐑兄弟の朝ごはんとKissのシーン 日本語字幕 yeah i ate breakfast with Vox
🐑: You clearly don’t understand what I mean when I say I’m a brat tamer. Those whiny b*tches that tell everyone how in charge & top they are, those are my fav prey. Domination loss. Taking someone who thinks they’re in control & putting them in their place, beneath me #OVideos
"Penguin sh*ts on other penguin" Shubert's scream 💀 #Ukilipse #ShuClip #OVideos #NIJISANJI_EN 4:59:39🔗: youtu.be/8CklMT7sM3w The vid: youtu.be/veI8BMDewmU
Millie calls Fulgur on stream to say "I love you, Onii-chan"... 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 youtube.com/watch?v=fE-Vcb… #MillieSeconds #millieparfait #OVideos #FulgurOvid
🐑introducing himself in JP 💉:What should I call u? 🐑:Fulgur はいい (is ok), or Fuuchan, Fulgur-kun, すべてがいい(everything is ok) 💉: じゃあふーちゃんにするか。ふーちゃん可愛い!(I’ll go witb Fuuchan then. Fuuchan is cute!) 🐑:それは、いい(That is ok) #OVideos
🦊:PUT DOWN! I NEEDED THE RICE NOW(?) 🕊:U need to learn Yin Yang 🐑:Thats not even Japanese 🕊:U need balance 🦊:She’s changing culture 🕊:Im not changing culture, Im, Im not gonna dox myself 🪄:I think everyone knows 🕊:Im Asian #EnnaLively #OVideos #MystaClips #Millieseconds
Fuuchan and Mousey talking about Uki Fuuchan : Uki is a mood #OVideos #Ukilipse
Fuucapella:D #OVideos
離席している間にシャウトを練習するPsyBorg🐑🔮(かわいい)と教えてくれるアイク先生🖋 🫧 youtu.be/IOcG-Se4RAg Chronos:youtu.be/sy8N7Rnnx-s "HEYHEY人間賛歌" マキシマムザホルモン - What’s up,people?! #SliceOfIke #Ukilipse #OVideos #PsyBorg
Ike and Fuu-chan arguing with Millie about Football vs Soccer, then Uki makes a Mean Girls reference, Ike says "I love you, Uki" and Ike dies laughing... yeah. wild. #SliceofIke #OVideos #MillieSeconds #Ukilipse #YugoONAIR
🎭 Welcome to the offcollab 🐑 u r torturing them with that? 🔮 Alban's being cruel 🎭 But I'm poking you right now 🐑 Not there, Albanyan 🎧 This room is so stinky 🔗 I haven't showered for 3 days, sorry 🔮 I'm leaving the chaos #OVideos #Brisklips #Knoxclips #Ukilipse #Yuclip
Fuuchan girl voice for Uki's ears only LMAO #ShuClip #OVideos 🔗: youtu.be/C-lMSrdf3U8
🐑 : Hey you’re back! 👹! Oh, oh no 👹 *made 👹 voice impression* *👹died from failing mission* 🐑:Oh god, you know what, everyone’s asleep, they wont even see this *harvest 👹 meat* 🐑: Sorry 👹, meat’s meat. Okay, nobody even knew👹died, its fine, its fine #OVideos #VoxAkuma
🐑: Tsuki ga kirei desu ne? (A poetic way of saying I love you) 🔮: Sorry can you say that one more time? 🐑: Nah that was a one-time thing. The moon sure is beautiful huh? 🔮: You know what, it's just as good in english #Ukilipse #OVideos #PsyBorg
🌤️: What mythical creature would improve the world the most? 🪄: Do you know what a "Palaka" is? Palaka means PROG. 🐑: Plug? 🌤️: Like, buttplug? 🔗: I ONLY KNOW POG. #Millieseconds #OVideos #pencast #PomuLive #Brisklips
🔮: 🐑is so hard at work. Omg u gotta go eat. I can put someone else here, u need to go eat something. I need u to be at full strength. We got a panel to be at in a couple of days. I need u at full strength. No worries babe, ur poop, no one saw that #Ukilipse #OVideos #PsyBorg
🖋: Omg people are just like “Fuuchan you dont have an expiry date right?” 🐑: We’ll find out chat, we’ll find out 🖋: Ahh noooo #OVideos
🐑: Remember when I used to be like “I’m not a comfort streamer” to everybody who showed up&said that kind of thing,now its like,I’m just happy if u think so,if I’m able to make u feel more comfortable then thats great. Thank u so much all&everyone for being here with me #OVideos
あめちゃん☔️としての自覚が芽生えたふーちゃん⚡️ #OVideos
🦊:Whats ur name? 🕊:Im JP chef 🐑:U have no name?U’re just JP chef? 🦊:I dont know about this JP chef..Do u understand what Im saying rn?Why are u hired? 🐑:U cant say that to ppl who just have language barrier,shes trying her best #EnnaLively #OVideos #MystaClips #Millieseconds
Legatus 505のend?が近づいているので、初配信のloreの部分に日本語字幕付けました① リプに続き Fulgur's lore video from his debut stream with JP subtitles (1/3) #OVideos #FulgurOvid #Legatus505
ennaによるフーフーちゃんのモノマネlmao #OVideos #EnnaLively #Ukilipse youtu.be/EHYlEn_dFsQ
🦊: *throws meat at 🪄so hard that she got pushed back* 🪄: Oww, *curses in Filipino* #OVideos #MystaClips #Millieseconds
Luca: I haven't tried waffles. Sonny, Fuu-chan, Yugo and Millie: *saying their stance on Pancakes vs Waffles* Ike: Luca, if I ever come to Australia I'll make you some and I'm gonna call them ROFL's. #YugoONAIR #SliceofIke #lucalive #Brisklips #OVideos #Millieseconds