#Nigeria: Anti-police brutality and impunity protests continue nationwide. Protestors demand police reform and justice for the victims of police brutality. (📹@EiENigeria) #SARSMustEnd #EndSARS #EndPoliceBrutality #EnoughIsEnough
#Hungary: Candlelight #EndSARS protest against impunity in #Nigeria and to commemorate the fallen protestors. Scenes from Debrecen on Oct 25. (📹@dontatmedummy)
We call on the #Nigeria government to restore access to Twitter. Join us in sending international solidarity & pressuring Buhari to stop his tantrum.Copy & paste this video to raise awareness. #Buharimustgo #KeepItOn #EndSars #June12Protest #TwitterBan youtu.be/pQMnZvSIUps
#Nigeria: The government announced SARS will be dissolved. Protestors vowed to continue protests to end police brutality and impunity. There is scepticism that the announcement may be a ruse. #EndSARS #EndSARSNow #EndSARSBrutality #EndSarsProtests Report: cnn.com/2020/10/11/afr…
#Nigeria: someone sued @jack for 1 billion dollars, claiming that the co-founder and CEO of Twitter funded and supports the #EndSARS movement. Unknown how they plan to collect or enforce this clownery. 🤣🤡twitter.com/adamugarba/sta…
Bali, Indonesia candlelight vigil for the #LekkiMassacre in #Nigeria. (📹@gbemy01) #EndSARS
Are you in #Nigeria, #Myanmar, or #Colombia? We want to hear from you. What content would you like to see covered, guides made, and/or other resources you think may help you? Subscribe, RT, & let us know in the comments below. 👇youtu.be/7N9luc93IaU
Happy 27th Birthday to #Nigeria's beautiful and hugely talented Superstar #Tems! 👏🎂🎉🌟👑❤️ @temsbaby facebook.com/worldmusicawar…
#Nigeria: Thread detailing documented SARS brutality and abuses. TW includes rape, theft, bribery, murder, torture, and assault. #EndSARS #EndSARSBrutality #EndSarsProtests twitter.com/TheVyralTrendz…
#Nigeria: Police arrested #EndSARS protestor Eromosele Adene at his home. The police claimed he was captured at a protest ground but video evidence proves he was inside his home. The police lied. #FreeEromosele
What's happening in #Nigeria? #FixNigeriaNow #June12thProtest Read & Share ⬇️ yac.news/blogs/protect/…
#Nigeria authorities are using abusive financial measures to terrorize human rights defenders, media, and suppress #EndSARS protests. They are freezing bank accounts and applying unplayable fines. #EndImpunity hrw.org/news/2020/11/1…
#Nijerya Cumhurbaşkanı Özel Temsilcisi Federal Başkent Bölgesi Bakanı Muhammad Musa Bello #deprem sonrası destek ve dayanışma için Ankara’daydı. Kendisine teşekkür ettik. Thanked @FCT_Minister of #Nigeria for his solidarity visit after #earthquake. 🇹🇷🇳🇬
#Nigeria: Another wave of #EndSARS protests after a policeman murdered a Keke driver in Rivers state, Porthacourt after he allegedly refused to give the police a 100 naira bribe (roughly $0.26 USD). (📹@AskPHPeople) #EndImpunity #EndPoliceBrutality
International call for assistance to #Nigeria Protests Saturday, June 12; join Nigeria diaspora to call for justice, stability, & freedom. locations: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1401637… #KeepItOn #TwitterBanInNigeria #June12Protest Read: yac.news/blogs/news/nig… youtu.be/pQMnZvSIUps
Görevlerine yeni başlayan #Gambiya, #Nijerya ve #Ruanda Büyükelçileriyle ikili ilişkilerimizi ele aldık, yeni görevlerinde başarılar diledik. Discussed our bilateral relations w/newly appointed Ambassadors of #TheGambia, #Nigeria & #Rwanda, wished them a successful term.🇹🇷🇬🇲🇳🇬🇷🇼
Raise awareness about #Nigeria's censorship. RT, watch, and copy / paste video everywhere. Read: yac.news/blogs/news/nig… #NigeriaTwitterBan #NigeriaBleeds #BuhariTheDictator youtube.com/watch?v=pQMnZv…
Full solidarity with the #June12thProtest happening today in #Nigeria and worldwide. 🇳🇬✊🏿📢🌍 This explainer tells you what the protests are about. Read & Share: yac.news/blogs/protect/… Watch & Subscribe ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=h1Ohun… #June12Protest #BuhariMustGo #FixNigeria
#Nigeria has said enough to government incompetence, insecurity, and impunity. Now they plan to protest worldwide. Find out why and where the #June12Protest is going to take place. Join, share, help spread awareness. 🇳🇬✊🏿 Read: yac.news/blogs/protect/… youtube.com/watch?v=h1Ohun…
The Great Green Wall of trees will span 5,000 miles (8000 kilometers), create 10 million jobs along the way, and be the largest living structure on the planet. #NoPlanetB #FridaysForFuture #Nigeria #Sengal #Ethiopia Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/L8TFXYval-c
#Efemérides 🧐 A 1⃣4⃣ años del oro ganado por @Argentina 🇦🇷 en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín 2008 🏅 Aquel día, la Selección derrotó 1-0 a #Nigeria en la final con un tanto de Ángel Di María ⚽️
Nigerian women and girls are increasingly falling victim to rape slavery in #BurkinaFaso's gold mining camps. #EndImpunity #StopSlavery #Nigeria Subscribe⬇️ youtu.be/NvDkajoP6oc?li…
#Nigeria's June 12 Protestors said enough is enough, restore Twitter, end insecurity, Fix Nigeria, and #Buhari Must Go. #NigeriaTwitterBan #FixNigeria #BuhariMustGo yac.news/blogs/news/nig…
Women and girls from #Nigeria are being lured to #BurkinaFaso and sold into rape slavery near goldmines. #EndImpunity #StopSlavery Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=NvDkaj…
Software developer Sa’adat Aliyu (@IAmSoosy) has launched @HelpioNigeria. The app is designed to help people report rape and sexual assault in #Nigeria. #EndImpunity #femicide #gynocide Download it today here: play.google.com/store/apps/det… Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=FeH5JZ…