This morning, the Electoral Commission notified us that our signatures for nomination have been verified. Once again, I thank all Ugandans who continue to be part of this journey. Together, we shall build a #NewUganda! #3rdNovember2020 #NominationDay #Mission2Freedom
3 months to elections, a Ugandan General swears they won't hand over power, while addressing NRM supporters. Our Constitution (Art 208) commands UPDF to be non-partisan! Many past despots & their lieutenants swore in similar terms. In the #NewUganda, we must have a NATIONAL ARMY
I hope that like you, I can inspire more people to rise up and join this cause for our country's redemption. The journey has been long and bumpy. Hopefully, it will end in victory. God grant that you live long enough to see a #NewUganda which you have devoted your entire life to.
He told us of how many trials and tribulations he's gone through from the time he started speaking on behalf of the people. Mzee Byarugaba is sick and frail, but he is strong in spirit. We pray he recovers soon, so he can live long enough to see a #NewUganda. #PeoplePowerOurPower
Let each one of us be as disturbed and as determined to cause change. Together as a PEOPLE UNITED, we CAN and MUST remove #DictatorMuseveni and build a #NewUganda.
@One_PiusJadwar A very happy birthday to you comrade @One_PiusJadwar. Thank you for everything you do to push forward the cause for freedom and democracy. Your commitment, resilience and hard work will never be in vain. May God grant that you live long enough to see a #NewUganda.
My brother @SirDanMagic1 on this your birthday, I wish you the greatest happiness. Your talented young hands revolutionalised my music and your comradeship keeps me going. We have been to hell and back together and you're still unbroken. May we walk together into a #NewUganda.